Comparison of programming languages (list comprehension)

List Comprehensions

List comprehension is a syntactic construct available in some programming languages for creating a list based on existing lists. It follows the form of the mathematical set-builder notation (set comprehension.) as distinct from the use of map and filter functions.


Further information: Boo for .NET/Mono

List with all the doubles from 0 to 10 (exclusive)

doubles = [i*2 for i in range(10)]

List with the names of the customers based on Rio de Janeiro

rjCustomers = [customer.Name for customer in customers if customer.State == "RJ"]


var ns = from x in Enumerable.Range(0,100)
         where x*x > 3
         select x*2;

The previous code is syntactic sugar for the following code written using lambda expressions:

var ns = Enumerable.Range(0, 100)
        .Where(x => x*x > 3)
        .Select(x => x*2);


An infinite lazy sequence:

 (for [x (iterate inc 0) 
       :when (> (* x x) 3)]
   (* 2 x))

A list comprehension using multiple generators:

 (for [x (range 20)
       y (range 20)
       z (range 20)
       :when (== (+ (* x x) (* y y)) (* z z))]
   [x y z])


Further information: CoffeeScript
largeNumbers = (number for number in list when number > 100)

Common Lisp

Further information: Common Lisp

List comprehensions can be expressed with the loop macro's collect keyword. Conditionals are expressed with if, as follows:

(loop for x from 0 to 100 if (> (* x x) 3) collect (* 2 x))


Further information: Cobra

List the names of customers:

names = for cust in customers get

List the customers with balances:

names = for cust in customers where cust.balance > 0

List the names of customers with balances:

names = for cust in customers where cust.balance > 0 get

The general forms:


Note that by putting the condition and expression after the variable name and enumerable object, editors and IDEs can provide autocompletion on the members of the variable.


Further information: Erlang
L = lists:seq(0,100).
S = [2*X || X <- L, X*X > 3].


Further information: F#

Lazily-evaluated sequences:

seq { for x in 0 .. 100 do if x*x > 3 then yield 2*x }

Or, for floating point values

seq { for x in 0. .. 100. do if x**2. > 3. then yield 2.*x }

Lists and arrays:

[ for x in 0. .. 100. do if x**2. > 3. then yield 2.*x ]
[| for x in 0. .. 100. do if x**2. > 3. then yield 2.*x |]

List comprehensions are the part of a greater family of language constructs called computation expressions.


Further information: Groovy
(0..100).findAll{ x -> x * x > 3 }.collect { x -> 2 * x }


Further information: Haskell
[x * 2 | x <- [0 .. 99], x * x > 3]

An example of a list comprehension using multiple generators:

pyth = [(x,y,z) | x <- [1..20], y <- [x..20], z <- [y..20], x^2 + y^2 == z^2]


By using Range object, Io language can create list as easy as in other languages:

Range 0 to(100) asList select(x, x*x>3) map(*2)


Further information: ISLISP

List comprehensions can be expressed with the for special form. Conditionals are expressed with if, as follows:

(for ((x 0 (+ x 1))
      (collect ()))
     ((>= x 100) (reverse collect))
     (if (> (* x x) 3)
         (setq collect (cons (* x 2) collect))))


Further information: JavaScript

Borrowing from Python, JavaScript has array comprehensions.[1] Although this feature has been proposed for inclusion in the sixth edition ECMAScript standard, Mozilla is the only implementation that currently supports it.

/* There is no "range" function in JavaScript's standard
   library, so the application must provide it
  using a Python-inspired generator function */
function* range(n) {
  for (var i = 0; i < n; i++)
    yield i;

[2 * x for (x of range(100)) if (x * x > 3)]


Further information: Julia

Julia supports comprehensions using the syntax:

 y = [x^2+1 for x in 1:10]

and multidimensional comprehensions like:

 z = [(x-5)^2+(y-5)^2 for x = 0:10, y = 0:10]


 s = [ 2*i for i in 1..100 where i*i > 3 ];

Multiple generators:

 pyth = [ (x,y,z) for x in 1..20 for y in x..20 for z in y..20 where x*x + y*y == z*z ];


Further information: Nemerle
$[x*2 | x in [0 .. 100], x*x > 3]


Further information: OCaml

OCaml supports List comprehension through OCaml Batteries. [2]

Perl 6

Further information: Perl 6
my @s = ($_ * 2 if $_ ** 2 > 3 for 0 .. 99);


Python uses the following syntax to express list comprehensions over finite lists:

S = [2*x for x in range(100) if x**2 > 3]

A generator expression may be used in Python versions >= 2.4 which gives lazy evaluation over its input, and can be used with generators to iterate over 'infinite' input such as the count generator function which returns successive integers:

from itertools import count
S = (2*x for x in count() if x**2 > 3)

(Subsequent use of the generator expression will determine when to stop generating values).


Further information: R
 x = (0:100)
 S = 2 * x[x ^ 2 > 3]


Further information: Racket
(for/list ([x 100] #:when (> (* x x) 3)) (* x 2))

An example with multiple generators:

(for*/list ([x (in-range 1 21)] [y (in-range 1 21)] [z (in-range 1 21)]
            #:when (= (+ (* x x) (* y y)) (* z z)))
  (list x y z))


Further information: Ruby
(0..100).select { |x| x**2 > 3 }.map { |x| 2*x }


Further information: Scala

Using the for-comprehension:

val s = for (x <- 0 to 100; if x*x > 3) yield 2*x


Further information: Scheme

List comprehensions are supported in Scheme through the use of the SRFI-42 library.[3]

(list-ec (: x 100) (if (> (* x x) 3)) (* x 2))

An example of a list comprehension using multiple generators:

(list-ec (: x 1 21) (: y x 21) (: z y 21) (if (= (+ (* x x) (* y y)) (* z z))) (list x y z))


Further information: SETL
s := {2*x : x in {0..100} | x**2 > 3 };


((1 to: 100) select: [ x | x squared > 3 ]) collect: [ x | x * 2 ]

Visual Prolog

Further information: Visual Prolog
S = [ 2*X || X = list::getMember_nd(L), X*X > 3 ]

Windows PowerShell

Further information: Windows PowerShell
$s = ( 0..100 | ? {$_*$_ -gt 3} | % {2*$_} )

which is short-hand notation of:

$s = 0..100 | where {$_*$_ -gt 3} | foreach {2*$_}


External links

This article is issued from Wikipedia - version of the Monday, April 04, 2016. The text is available under the Creative Commons Attribution/Share Alike but additional terms may apply for the media files.