Complete measure

In mathematics, a complete measure (or, more precisely, a complete measure space) is a measure space in which every subset of every null set is measurable (having measure zero). More formally, (X, Σ, μ) is complete if and only if

S \subseteq N \in \Sigma \mbox{ and } \mu(N) = 0\ \Rightarrow\ S \in \Sigma.


The need to consider questions of completeness can be illustrated by considering the problem of product spaces.

Suppose that we have already constructed Lebesgue measure on the real line: denote this measure space by (R, B, λ). We now wish to construct some two-dimensional Lebesgue measure λ2 on the plane R2 as a product measure. Naïvely, we would take the σ-algebra on R2 to be B  B, the smallest σ-algebra containing all measurable "rectangles" A1 × A2 for Ai  B.

While this approach does define a measure space, it has a flaw. Since every singleton set has one-dimensional Lebesgue measure zero,

\lambda^{2} ( \{ 0 \} \times A ) = \lambda ( \{ 0 \} ) \cdot \lambda (A) = 0

for "any" subset A of R. However, suppose that A is a non-measurable subset of the real line, such as the Vitali set. Then the λ2-measure of {0} × A is not defined, but

\{ 0 \} \times A \subseteq \{ 0 \} \times \mathbb{R},

and this larger set does have λ2-measure zero. So, this "two-dimensional Lebesgue measure" as just defined is not complete, and some kind of completion procedure is required.

Construction of a complete measure

Given a (possibly incomplete) measure space (X, Σ, μ), there is an extension (X, Σ0, μ0) of this measure space that is complete. The smallest such extension (i.e. the smallest σ-algebra Σ0) is called the completion of the measure space.

The completion can be constructed as follows:

\mu_{0} (C) := \inf \{ \mu (D) | C \subseteq D \in \Sigma \}.

Then (X, Σ0, μ0) is a complete measure space, and is the completion of (X, Σ, μ).

In the above construction it can be shown that every member of Σ0 is of the form A  B for some A  Σ and some B  Z, and

\mu_{0} (A \cup B) = \mu (A).



Maharam's theorem states that every complete measure space is decomposable into a measure on the continuum, and a finite or countable counting measure.


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