The East of Ankash

The East of Ankash is a zone near the Cordillera Blanca mountain range in the Ancash region of Peru.[1] The valley is the home of the archaeological site of the remains of Chavín de Huantar, which dates from the year 900, and was a ceremonial center in which human sacrifices were made.[2]

Tourist Aspect

Besides the archaeological ruins of Chavín de Huantar that are permanently visited by students and foreign tourists, the East of Ankash has a lot of attractions that nature has given it, such as its thermo-medicinal waters, beautiful scenery, hunting places, and archaeological places that fascinated Julio C. Tello and other specialists.

References and notes

  1. ↑ Ghiggo, Giovani: Historia y geografía regional de Ancash, 2002, Lima , pag. 84
  2. ↑ Lumbreras , Luis and Gonzales, Marino: Chavín de Huántar/ Los descubrimientos arqueológicos de Marino Gonzales Moreno (sic), ISBN 978-61246332-0-1

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