Conference of Latin Americanist Geographers

The Conference of Latin Americanist Geographers (CLAG) was formed in 1970 to foster geographic education and research on Latin America.[1] A Board of Directors governs CLAG. CLAG publishes a Newsletter and the Journal of Latin American Geography. It also operates CLAGNET, an electronic Listserv for members.

The Syracuse University Archives preserve documents and photographs related to the history of the organization because the long-standing Executive Director, David J. Robinson, is a professor at that university.


Each year CLAG makes several awards to distinguished Latin Americanist geographers and others.

CLAG also makes awards to graduate students to support research and conference travel.


CLAG organizes a conference on a regular basis. The conference typically takes place in the Americas but in 2001 met in Benicassim, Spain.

  • 1970 Muncie
  • 1971 Syracuse
  • 1973 Calgary
  • 1974 Boca Raton
  • 1975 Chapel Hill
  • 1976 El Paso
  • 1977 Paipa
  • 1979 Rohnert Park, California
  • 1980 Muncie
  • 1981 Buffalo


  1. [William M. Denevan, "Traditional Versus New Directions: The First Meeting of the Conference of Latin Americanist Geographers, 1970," Journal of Latin American Geography 7 (2008):155-62. doi:10.1353/lag.0.0013

External links

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