Conference of Slovak Bishops
The Episcopal Conference of Slovakia (ECS), established by the Apostolic See, the Assembly of Catholic Bishops (Roman Catholic and Greek Catholic), Slovak Republic, who together perform some pastoral duties for the faithful of the Catholic Church in Slovakia and to provide to people especially the form and manner apostolate, suitably adapted to the circumstances of time and place according to law (cf. c. 447 and 449, § 1 CIC). ECS was 23 March 1993. The Episcopal Conference of Slovakia is based on the law itself have legal personality (cf. c. 449, § 2 CIC). The Slovak Bishops' Conference includes all diocesan bishops of the Slovak Republic and according to their rights on a par with the position, and coadjutor bishops, auxiliary bishops and other titular Bishops who are in that territory or outside it perform a specific task entrusted to them the Apostolic See or the Episcopal Conference of the common good of the country (cf. c. 450, § 1 CIC). Members of the Slovak Bishops 'Conference as well as Diocesan Bishops and their rights under par for the position, and coadjutor bishops, auxiliary bishops of the Byzantine rite in the Slovak Republic belonging to another Bishops' Conference. Emeritus Bishops are not members of the Episcopal Conference of Slovakia, but may be invited as consultors of several plenary sessions and to be members of some episcopal commissions. Slovak Bishops' Conference are: Plenary Session, the Permanent Council General Secretariat, Council for Economic Affairs and the Committee and the Conference Board provided for a defined purpose (cf. c. 451, CIC). (Statute of the Slovak Bishops' Conference adopted on 21 6th 2000, Art. 1 to 4).
The Conference of Bishops of Slovakia
President: Metropolitan Archbishop Stanislav Zvolensky
Roman province of Bratislava
Stanislav Zvolenský - Metropolitan Archbishop of Bratislava
Jozef Haľko - Auxiliary Bishop of Bratislava
Ján Orosch - Diocesan Bishop of Trnava
Viliam Judák - Diocesan Bishop of Nitra
Marián Chovanec - Diocesan Bishop of Banská Bystrica
Tomáš Galis - Diocesan Bishop of Žilina
Roman province of Košice
Bernard Bober - Metropolitan Archbishop of Košice
Stanislav Stolárik - Diocesan Bishop of Rožňava
Štefan Sečka - Diocesan Bishop of Spiš
Ordinariate forces and armed corps
František Rábek - Bishop, Military Ordinary
Greek province of Prešov
Jan Babjak, SJ - Metropolitan Archbishop of Prešov
Milan Lach, SJ - Auxiliary Bishop of Prešov
Milan Chautur, CSSR - Diocesan Bishop of Košice
Peter Rusnak - Diocesan Bishop of Bratislava
Bishops from Slovakia who work at different positions of the Church are not members of the EBC
Dominik Kaľata, SJ - Auxiliary Bishop of Freiburg (Germany)
Cyril Vasil - Secretary of the Congregation for Eastern Churches (Greek Catholic) Archbishop of the titular seat of Ptolemais in Libya
Milan Šášik, CM - Bishop, Diocese of the Greek Catholic Eparchy of Mukachevo
Ladislav Hučko - Bishop, Apostolic Exarch for the Greek Catholics in the CR
Ján Eugen Kočiš - Greek Bishop Emeritus, Prague, lived in Prešov.
History section decade activity Slovak Bishops' Conference [online]. The Episcopal Conference of Slovakia, [cit. 2012-07-20].
Apostolic administrator [online]. Archdiocese of Trnava, [cit. 2012-07-20].
External links