Conflict procedure

Animal testing

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Animals (Scientific Procedures)
Great ape research ban
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Brown Dog affair
Cambridge University primates
Pit of despair
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Unnecessary Fuss

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Charles River Laboratories, Inc.
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Speaking of Research
Understanding Animal Research

Tipu Aziz · Michael Balls
Neal Barnard · Colin Blakemore
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Ingrid Newkirk · Bernard Rollin
Jerry Vlasak · Syed Ziaur Rahman

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The conflict procedure is an experiment often used in scientific research to quantify anxiety levels by measuring changes in punished/unpunished responding. It is often used to screen drugs for their potential to inhibit anxiety(anxiolytic potential).[1]


Some researchers from France have conducted an experiment on "Effects of Chronic Antidepressants in an Operant Conflict Procedure of Anxiety in the rat (1998)", "the aim of their study was to reveal possible anxiolytic like effects of antidepressants on chronic treatment. Rats were subjected to a conflict procedure during which lever pressing for food was suppressed by a conditioned signal for punishment and contingent electric foot shocks."[2] In order to operate the experiment, researchers build anxiety by electrical shocks on rats gradually through a training in serval week. This process was what researchers called Conflict Procedure.

See also


  1. Fiske, Susan T. e-Study Guide for Handbook of Social Psychology, 2 Volume Set: Psychology, Psychology Kindle Edition. ISBN 9780470137475.
  2. Beaufour, C. C., Ballon, N., Le Bihan, C., Hamon, M., & Thiébot, M. (1999). Effects of chronic antidepressants in an operant conflict procedure of anxiety in the rat. Pharmacology, Biochemistry And Behavior, 62(4), 591-599. doi:10.1016/S0091-3057(98)00180-4
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