Conjugate points

In differential geometry, conjugate points are, roughly, points that can almost be joined by a 1-parameter family of geodesics. For example, on a sphere, the north-pole and south-pole are connected by any meridian.


Suppose p and q are points on a Riemannian manifold, and \gamma is a geodesic that connects p and q. Then p and q are conjugate points along \gamma if there exists a non-zero Jacobi field along \gamma that vanishes at p and q.

Recall that any Jacobi field can be written as the derivative of a geodesic variation (see the article on Jacobi fields). Therefore, if p and q are conjugate along \gamma, one can construct a family of geodesics that start at p and almost end at q. In particular, if \gamma_s(t) is the family of geodesics whose derivative in s at s=0 generates the Jacobi field J, then the end point of the variation, namely \gamma_s(1), is the point q only up to first order in s. Therefore, if two points are conjugate, it is not necessary that there exist two distinct geodesics joining them.


See also

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