Connection (affine bundle)

Let Y\to X, be an affine bundle modelled over a vector bundle \overline Y\to X . A connection \Gamma on Y\to X is called the affine connection if it as a section \Gamma:Y\to J^1Y of the jet bundle J^1Y\to Y of Y is an affine bundle morphism over X. In particular, this is the case of an affine connection on the tangent bundle TX of a smooth manifold X.

With respect to affine bundle coordinates (x^\lambda,y^i) on Y, an affine connection \Gamma on Y\to X is given by the tangent-valued connection form

\Gamma =dx^\lambda\otimes (\partial_\lambda + \Gamma_\lambda^i\partial_i), \qquad 
\Gamma_\lambda^i=\Gamma_\lambda{}^i{}_j(x^\nu) y^j + \sigma_\lambda^i(x^\nu).

An affine bundle is a fiber bundle with a general affine structure group  GA(m,\mathbb R) of affine transformations of its typical fiber V of dimension m. Therefore, an affine connection is associated to a principal connection. It always exists.

For any affine connection \Gamma:Y\to J^1Y, the corresponding linear derivative \overline\Gamma:\overline Y\to J^1\overline Y of an affine morphism \Gamma defines a unique linear connection on a vector bundle \overline Y\to X. With respect to linear bundle coordinates (x^\lambda,\overline y^i) on \overline Y, this connection reads

 \overline \Gamma=dx^\lambda\otimes(\partial_\lambda +\Gamma_\lambda{}^i{}_j(x^\nu) \overline y^j\overline\partial_i).

Since every vector bundle is an affine bundle, any linear connection on a vector bundle also is an affine connection.

If Y\to X is a vector bundle, both an affine connection \Gamma and an associated linear connection \overline\Gamma are connections on the same vector bundle Y\to X, and their difference is a basic soldering form on \sigma= \sigma_\lambda^i(x^\nu) dx^\lambda\otimes\partial_i . Thus, every affine connection on a vector bundle Y\to X is a sum of a linear connection and a basic soldering form on Y\to X.

It should be noted that, due to the canonical vertical splitting VY=Y\times Y, this soldering form is brought into a vector-valued form \sigma= \sigma_\lambda^i(x^\nu) dx^\lambda\otimes e_i where e_i is a fiber basis for Y.

Given an affine connection \Gamma on a vector bundle Y\to X, let R and \overline R be the curvatures of a connection \Gamma and the associated linear connection \overline \Gamma, respectively. It is readily observed that R = \overline R + T, where

T =\frac12 T_{\lambda
\mu}^i dx^\lambda\wedge dx^\mu\otimes \partial_i, \qquad  T_{\lambda \mu}^i = \partial_\lambda\sigma_\mu^i - \partial_\mu\sigma_\lambda^i + \sigma_\lambda^h
\Gamma_\mu{}^i{}_h - \sigma_\mu^h \Gamma_\lambda{}^i{}_h,

is the torsion of \Gamma with respect to the basic soldering form \sigma.

In particular, let us consider the tangent bundle TX of a manifold X coordinated by (x^\mu,\dot x^\mu). There is the canonical soldering form \theta=dx^\mu\otimes \dot\partial_\mu on TX which coincides with the tautological one-form \theta_X=dx^\mu\otimes \partial_\mu on X due to the canonical vertical splitting VTX=TX\times TX. Given an arbitrary linear connection \Gamma on TX, the corresponding affine connection

A=\Gamma +\theta, \qquad 
A_\lambda^\mu=\Gamma_\lambda{}^\mu{}_\nu \dot x^\nu +\delta^\mu_\lambda,

on TX is the Cartan connection. The torsion of the Cartan connection A with respect to the soldering form \theta coincides with the torsion of a linear connection \Gamma, and its curvature is a sum R+T of the curvature and the torsion of \Gamma.

See also


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