Conway triangle notation

In geometry, the Conway triangle notation, named after John Horton Conway, allows trigonometric functions of a triangle to be managed algebraically. Given a reference triangle whose sides are a, b and c and whose corresponding internal angles are A, B, and C then the Conway triangle notation is simply represented as follows:

 S = bc \sin A = ac \sin B = ab \sin C \,

where S = 2 × area of reference triangle and

 S_\varphi = S \cot \varphi .  \,

in particular

 S_A = S \cot A = bc \cos A= \frac {b^2+c^2-a^2} {2}\,
 S_B = S \cot B = ac \cos B= \frac {a^2+c^2-b^2} {2}\,
 S_C = S \cot C = ab \cos C= \frac {a^2+b^2-c^2} {2}\,
 S_\omega = S \cot \omega = \frac {a^2+b^2+c^2} {2}\,      where  \omega \, is the Brocard angle.
 S_{\frac {\pi} {3}} = S \cot {\frac {\pi} {3}} = S \frac {\sqrt 3}{3} \,
 S_{2\varphi} = \frac {S_\varphi^2 - S^2} {2S_\varphi} \quad\quad S_{ \frac {\varphi} {2}} = S_\varphi + \sqrt {S_\varphi^2 + S^2} \,    for values of    \varphi   where    0 < \varphi < \pi \,
 S_{\vartheta + \varphi} = \frac {S_\vartheta S_\varphi - S^2} {S_\vartheta + S_\varphi} \quad\quad S_{\vartheta - \varphi} = \frac {S_\vartheta S_\varphi + S^2} {S_\varphi - S_\vartheta}  \,


 \sin A = \frac {S} {bc} = \frac {S} {\sqrt {S_A^2 + S^2}} \quad\quad \cos A = \frac {S_A} {bc} = \frac {S_A} {\sqrt {S_A^2 + S^2}} \quad\quad \tan A = \frac {S} {S_A}  \,

Some important identities:

 \sum_\text{cyclic} S_A = S_A+S_B+S_C = S_\omega \,
 S^2 = b^2c^2 - S_A^2 = a^2c^2 - S_B^2 = a^2b^2 - S_C^2 \,
 S_BS_C = S^2 - a^2S_A\quad\quad S_AS_C = S^2 - b^2S_B\quad\quad S_AS_B = S^2 - c^2S_C  \,
 S_AS_BS_C = S^2(S_\omega-4R^2)\quad\quad S_\omega=s^2-r^2-4rR \,

where R is the circumradius and abc = 2SR and where r is the incenter,    s= \frac{a+b+c}{2} \,    and    a+b+c = \frac {S} {r} \,

Some useful trigonometric conversions:

 \sin A \sin B \sin C = \frac {S} {4R^2} \quad\quad \cos A \cos B \cos C = \frac {S_\omega-4R^2} {4R^2}
 \sum_\text{cyclic} \sin A = \frac {S} {2Rr} = \frac {s}{R} \quad\quad \sum_\text{cyclic} \cos A = \frac {r+R} {R} \quad\quad \sum_\text{cyclic} \tan A = \frac {S}{S_\omega-4R^2}=\tan A \tan B \tan C \,

Some useful formulas:

 \sum_\text{cyclic} a^2S_A = a^2S_A + b^2S_B + c^2 S_C = 2S^2 \quad\quad \sum_\text{cyclic} a^4 = 2(S_\omega^2-S^2) \,
 \sum_\text{cyclic} S_A^2 = S_\omega^2 - 2S^2 \quad\quad  \sum_\text{cyclic} S_BS_C = S^2 \quad\quad \sum_\text{cyclic} b^2c^2 =  S_\omega^2 + S^2 \,

Some examples using Conway triangle notation:

Let D be the distance between two points P and Q whose trilinear coordinates are pa : pb : pc and qa : qb : qc. Let Kp = apa + bpb + cpc and let Kq = aqa + bqb + cqc. Then D is given by the formula:

 D^2= \sum_\text{cyclic} a^2S_A\left(\frac {p_a}{K_p} - \frac {q_a}{K_q}\right)^2 \,

Using this formula it is possible to determine OH, the distance between the circumcenter and the orthocenter as follows:

For the circumcenter pa = aSA and for the orthocenter qa = SBSC/a

 K_p= \sum_\text{cyclic} a^2S_A = 2S^2 \quad\quad K_q= \sum_\text{cyclic} S_BS_C = S^2 \,


D^2 & {} = \sum_\text{cyclic} a^2S_A\left(\frac {aS_A} {2S^2} - \frac {S_BS_C} {aS^2}\right)^2 \\
& {} = \frac {1} {4S^4} \sum_\text{cyclic} a^4S_A^3 - \frac {S_AS_BS_C} {S^4} \sum_\text{cyclic} a^2S_A + \frac {S_AS_BS_C} {S^4} \sum_\text{cyclic} S_BS_C \\
& {} = \frac {1} {4S^4} \sum_\text{cyclic} a^2S_A^2(S^2-S_BS_C) - 2(S_\omega-4R^2) + (S_\omega-4R^2) \\
& {} = \frac {1} {4S^2} \sum_\text{cyclic} a^2S_A^2 - \frac {S_AS_BS_C} {S^4} \sum_\text{cyclic} a^2S_A - (S_\omega-4R^2) \\
& {} = \frac {1} {4S^2} \sum_\text{cyclic} a^2(b^2c^2-S^2) - \frac {1} {2}(S_\omega-4R^2) -(S_\omega-4R^2) \\
& {} = \frac {3a^2b^2c^2} {4S^2} - \frac {1} {4} \sum_\text{cyclic} a^2 - \frac {3} {2}(S_\omega-4R^2) \\
& {} = 3R^2- \frac {1} {2} S_\omega - \frac {3} {2} S_\omega + 6R^2 \\
& {} = 9R^2- 2S_\omega.

This gives:

 OH = \sqrt{9R^2- 2S_\omega \,}.


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