Corrosion engineering

Corrosion Engineering is the specialist discipline of applying scientific knowledge, natural laws and physical resources in order to design and implement materials, structures, devices, systems and procedures to manage the natural phenomenon known as corrosion. Generally related to Metallurgy, Corrosion Engineering also relates to non-metallics including ceramics. Corrosion Engineers often manage other not-strictly-corrosion processes including (but not restricted to) cracking, brittle fracture, crazing, fretting, erosion and more.

Corrosion engineering groups have formed around the world in order to prevent, slow and manage the effects of corrosion. Examples of such groups are the National Association of Corrosion Engineers (NACE) and the European Federation of Corrosion (EFC), see Corrosion societies. The corrosion engineers main task is to economically and safely manage the effects of corrosion on materials. Corrosion Engineering Masters degree courses are available worldwide and are concerned with the control and understanding of corrosion.

Zaki Ahmad in his book "Principles of corrosion engineering and corrosion control"(10)states that "Corrosion engineering is the application of the principles evolved from corrosion science to minimize or prevent corrosion. Corrosion engineering involves designing of corrosion prevention schemes and implementation of specific codes and practices. Corrosion prevention measures, like cathodic protection, designing to prevent corrosion and coating of structures fall within the regime of corrosion engineering. However, corrosion science and engineering go hand-in-hand and they cannot be separated: it is a permanent marriage to produce new and better methods of protection from time to time". In the "Handbook of corrosion engineering" (4) the author Pierre R. Roberge states "Corrosion is the destructive attack of a material by reaction with its environment. The serious consequences of the corrosion process have become a problem of worldwide significance".

Curtin University offer a Postgraduate Certificate in Corrosion Engineering (9) in Corrosion Engineering and state; "Corrosion engineering offers exciting career opportunities for engineers, scientists and researchers. Corrosion to metals as an example of corrosion had cost the U.S. economy nearly $300 billion per year in 1995 [4]. It is an issue particularly pertinent to the energy and resource industries where optimal corrosion management practices can have a positive impact on maximising efficient, safe production."

Most notable contributors to Corrosion Engineering education have been:

•Michael Faraday (1791-1867)

•Marcel Pourbaix (1904-1998)

•Melvin Romanoff

•Pierre R. Roberge

•Mars G. Fontana (1910-1988)

•Dr. Herbert H. Uhlig (1907-1993)

•Ulick Richardson Evans (1889-1980)


(1) Corrosion for students of science and engineering Tretheway K R & Chamberlain J

(2) Corrosion Vols 1 and 2 Metal Environment Reactions, Edited by L. L. Shrier Pub Butterworth-Heinemann Ltd

(3) Corrosion engineering Mars Guy Fontana McGraw-Hill, 1986

(4) Handbook of corrosion engineering By Pierre R. Roberge

(5) Corrosion engineering: principles and practice Pierre R. Roberge McGraw-Hill Prof Med/Tech, 2008

(6) The Corrosion Handbook, Uhlig, H. H. (Ed.), Wiley, New York and Chapman and Hall, London (1948)

(7) Corrosion and Corrosion Control, Uhlig, H. H., Wiley, New York (1971)

(8) Corrosion Engineering, Fontana, M. G. and Greene, N. D., McGraw-Hill (1967)

(9) Curtin University Postgraduate Certificate in Corrosion Engineering

(10) Principles of corrosion engineering and corrosion control Zaki Ahmad, Institution of Chemical Engineers (Great Britain)

(11) Corrosion Engineering by Volkan Cicek (Author) Publisher: Wiley-Scrivener; 1 edition (2 April 2014) Inc.ASIN: B00JJUL8LC

(12) Corrosion Engineering: Principles and Practice [Kindle Edition] Pierre Roberge (Author) Publisher: McGraw-Hill Professional; 1 edition (25 March 2008) ASIN: B0018G4HEK

External links

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