Costas Meghir

Konstantinos "Costas" Meghir (Greek: Κωνσταντίνος (Κώστας) Εκτώρ Δημήτριος Μεγήρ, transcr. Konstantinos Ektor Dimitrios Meghir, born February 13, 1959)[1] is a Greek-British economist who graduated from the University of Manchester in 1985. He was awarded the Ragnar Frisch Medal in 2000 for the article Estimating Labour Supply Responses using Tax Reforms (with Richard Blundell and Alan Duncan) in Econometrica. He was head of the economics department at University College London from 2004 to 2007. He was elected a fellow of the British Academy in 2005. Currently Meghir is the Douglas A. Warner III Professor of Economics at Yale University.


Meghir has over 136 articles referenced here: ranging from Labor Economics, Education, Impact evaluation, Advanced Econometrics, etc.


  1. Costas Meghir, Curriculum Vitae, "Family Name" & "First Names", p. 1 , retrieved 3 July 2015
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