County Government of Nandi

The County Government of Nandi is one of the county governments of the 47 counties of Kenya as established by the Constitution of Kenya enacted in 2010.The county government is led by the County Governor,his deputy and 10 County Executive Committee members as provided for in the Constitution of Kenya. The first County Governor of Nandi County is Dr.Cleophas Lagat and the first Deputy Governor is Dominic Chepyagan. The Constitution of Kenya also provides for legislative house for each county. For the period between March 4, 2014 and the date of the next General election in Kenya, the Nandi County Assembly shall have a Speaker, representatives of the 30 wards of Nandi County and other 18 nominated members representing women,the youth and the disabled members of the society as provided for in the Constitution of Kenya.

Main office holders
Office Name Party Since
Governor Dr. Cleophas Lagat, PhD United Republican Party 27 March 2013
Deputy Governor Mr. Dominic Chepyagan United Republican Party 27 March 2013
Honorable Speaker Mr. Edwin Cheluget

The County Government has 10 County Executive Committee (CEC) members per the requirement of Constitution of Kenya 2010 that requires the number of members of the executive authority of each county on the CEC to be 10, or a third of the number of wards in a county that has less than 30 wards. Nandi County has 30 wards each represented by a Member of County Assembly(MCA) as per the Constitution and 18 nominated members.These nominated members are: The 15 women representatives nominated by major political parties represented by elected members in order to comply with the restriction of the Constitution of Kenya that no more than two-third members be of one gender in any legislative assembly or appointive positions,two(2) other representative of the youth and another one(1) member representing the both marginalized and disabled persons.The Speaker is elected by the MCAs.


Nandi County now produces approximately 120,000,000 litters of milk annually translating to billions of shillings in income to our farmers. This is after the County Government embarked on provision of acaricides to 200 cattle dips as a way of putting tick borne diseases at bay and employing 40 dip supervisors to assist in management of cattle dips as a way of professionalizing the management of these crucial facilities in animal keeping.The county government has successfully implemented the first phase of routine road maintenance targeting 450 km; 15 km in each ward and additional that were subjected to a competitive tender. The whole undertaking involved culvert installation, murraming, graveling, unblocking of drainage and heavy bush clearing.The setting of a public university in the County dubbed as Koitalel Arap Samoei University is now at an advance stage.[1]


There were reports by sections of the Kenyan mass media that the county government tortured civil society groups in an aborted demonstration against its leadership.[2] There were also reported protests against the leadership of the County Government of Nandi in February 2015.[3] In Nandi, some contractors marched to the governor’s office, protesting that they had been denied an opportunity to do business with the county


  2. NANDI COUNTY: Nandi Senator Stephen arap Sang has condemned the violence meted out on demonstrating civil society groups in Kapsabet. The senator said the county government had no right to allow its supporters to attack the civil society groups which were exercising their constitutional right. Led by Nandi Transparency Group, the groups held demonstrations in Kapsabet on Tuesday last week to protest against the administration of the county governor Cleophas Lagat.
  3. Narok Governor Samuel Tunai and his Nandi counterpart Cleophas Lagat are among those who have been on the receiving end lately.
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