Courier (email client)

Courier (or Courier Email)
Developer(s) RoseCitySoftware
Last release 3.5 (June 2004) [±]
Preview release 3.6 Beta (Windows) / March 3, 2008
Development status Discontinued
Operating system Windows
Type Email client

Courier (also known as Courier Email) is an email client used on Microsoft Windows.

The software was originally developed as Calypso and was renamed after transition to RoseCitySoftware.


With the release of version 3.5, Courier became freeware, and a project was initiated to enhance the product to a Version 4.0. Courier provides encryption in the inbox and retains addresses and mail and attachments together.

Courier supports the POP3, IMAP and SMTP protocols and provides several features for HTML security. IMAP is supported only in that access is given to the messages on the server, then the program treats the account as if it were a POP3 account by downloading all new messages to the local computer (with the option of deletion).

The beta test phase for version 3.6 was shut down in February 2008, due to delays in achieving defined milestones. An upgrade path was negotiated with PocoSystems to add Courier-type features to Pocomail and direct Courier users to migrate to PocoMail 4.8 as a replacement for Courier 3.5. See No further development under the Courier name is planned. Pocomail 4.8 was released in April, 2009. Free versions of the unfinished beta, requiring no registration, are available at the Yahoo Courier user group at

External links

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