Credit Union Central of Manitoba

Credit Union Central of Manitoba (CUCM) is the trade association and service provider for the province’s 41 autonomous credit unions and is governed by Manitoba’s Credit Unions and Caisses Populaires Act. CUCM manages liquidity reserves, monitors credit granting procedures and provides trade services in areas such as corporate governance, government relations, representation and advocacy. CUCM also provides payment and settlement systems, banking, treasury, human resources, research, communications, marketing, planning, lending, product/service r & d, business consulting and legal services to credit unions. Manitoba credit unions jointly own CUCM and representatives from nine provincial districts sit on its board of directors. Cucm is financed through assessments and fee income derived through its operations.

CUCM is based in Winnipeg, Manitoba, Canada.

[1] The central organization operates a website called "Manitoba's Credit Unions".

External links


  1. Credit Union Central of Manitoba - Complete Profile, Industry Canada, accessed 19 October 2009.
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