Crichaireacht cinedach nduchasa Muintiri Murchada
Crichaireacht cinedach nduchasa Muintiri Murchada is a tract concerning the medieval territory called Muintir Murchada, located in County Galway, Ireland.
It lists forty place-names and more than seventy tribal, sept or family names and surnames, many still identifiable in the county.
It exists in three recensions preserved in the following three manuscripts:
- TCD MS 1319 [=H.2.17], 188RB-va, undated but possibly penned some time in the fifteenth century.
- RIA MS 536 [=23 P 12], 90ac-b - the Book of Ballymote, compiled about 1390.
- UCD Add. MS 14 - Leabhar na nGenealach by Dubhaltach Mac Fhirbhisigh
Family surnames
Surnammes listed include:
- Ó hAllmhuráin (Halloran)
- Ó Ceanndubháin (Canavan)
- Ó Dathlaoich (Daly)
- Ó Laoà (Lee)
- Ó Flaithbhertaigh (Flaherty)
- Mac Giolla Cheallaigh (Kilkelly)
- Ó Faghartaigh (Faherty)
- Ó Muirghile (Ó MuraÃle)
The text
"204.6: The native family-stocks of Muintir Mhurchadha and their territory here. Ó hAllmhuráin was chieftain of the twenty-four townlands of Clann Fhearghaile, and in truth they belong to the family of Aonghus s. Brian; from Fearghal s. Muireadhach s. Eochaidh s. Eórrán s. Aonghaus s. Brian) is Clann Fhearghaile, i.e., the twenty-four townlands of Clann Fhearghaile, and Uà Fhearghusa of Ros Cam."
"204.7: Mág an Ghamhain (or Meic an Ghamhna) and Mág Catharnaigh are the two chieftains of Meadhraighe and have their own septs under them. (end pp.448-449)"
"240.8: Ó Dathlaoich was the chieftain of Uà Bhruin Ratha (or Ó Duilligh was the chieftain of the fourteen townlands of Uà Bhruin Ratha) and they belonged to the family of Cairbre Airdcheann s. Brian, and [they held] fourteen townlands of all Ui Bhruin Ratha, and belonging to them were Uà Cheinneidigh and Uà Dhuinn and Uà Fhionnog of Cnoc Tuagha and Uà Laideanain (or Laidhghin) of Leacach and Uà Challannain of Ceall Chathghaile (or [Ceall] Chatail] and Uà Cheannabhain, the physicians of Muintir Mhurchadha and Uà Oilealla, and they belong to Tuath na dToibrineadh. (Another book says 'Ui Fhlaithbheartaigh where this says 'Muintir Mhurchadha.')"
"204.9: Ó Laidhigh were princes of Ui Bhriuin Seola together with their septs: Uà Fheichin, Uà Bhalbhain, Uà Dhuibh, Uà Mhadadhain, Meic Giolla Ghannain from Magh Lis Lionn ((a)) a different version: the cavalry chiefs of Ó Flaithbheartaigh) and Uà Cholgan ((b)) from Baile Uà Cholgan: the standard-bearers of Ó Flaithbheartaigh), Meic Fhionnain from Cill Chuanna and Uà Mhaoil Fhabhaill (or Maoil Ampuill) of Domhnach Padraig ((c)) the judges of Ó Flaithbheartaigh) and Uà Chleirchein of Rath Bhuidhbh and Uà Mheallaigh from Ceall na Manach and Ceall na gCaolan."
"204.10: UÃ Choraighein were chieftains of Boghaid and UÃ Chathasaigh from An Bheitheach and UÃ Aingle from Doire UÃ Aingle."
"204.11: Ó Faghartaigh king of Dealbhna of Cuil Fhabhair and Muintir Fhathaigh and Fiodh Luaraigh, Ó Domhnaill from An Ardraith (i.e., from Ath, etc., see ahead of you: from Ath Meic Cinn to Loch Oirbsean) and Uà Aodha: they were of equeal rank - carousal chiefs to Ó Flaithbheartaigh."
"204.12: The seed of Aodh of Eanach Duin belonged to the family of Ceallach s. Raghallach s. Uada, i.e., Clann Cheallaigh also. Aodh s. Eochaidh Tiormcharna s. Fearghus first granted Eanach Duin to God and to Breanainn."
- Nollaig Ó MuraÃle (2008) A tract on the Connacht territory of Munitir Mhurchada Journal of the Cork Historical and Archaeological Society, vol. 113.