Culture in Ferizaj
It should be emphasized that the development of art and culture in Kosovo is closely related to cultural and artistic society (CAS), which initially did during World War II and then disposed of the first efforts by prominent artist to professional art the opening of gymnasium schools and professionalized ones in the town of Ferizaj. Activities date back to the early 40s that lam after century, which were constructed in a well-organized structure, where musical performances took place in parallel and scene. One of the figures that has left deep traces in professional art in Kosovo and in wider spaces is the composer Lorenc Antoni whom we find in the early 40s engaged in Ferizaj. When it is mentioned Lorenc Antoni, it also should be mentioned the other composer Venqenc Gjini from Ferizaj who has given too much contribution in culture and is always respected countrywide especially with his creative idioms inspired by the popular fountain.[1]

Ferizaj is characterized by the Mosque and the Orthodox Church, as they are near each other. Near these religious buildings you can find the City Library which has a park that although chaotic streets and dense traffic indeed, people find the park near there really relaxing and calming. From this point, the city can be explored further in details. Architecture and public buildings communist take over the city center, except in the area many coffee shops which are often visited by young people are located there. The city has mostly only one way streets, meaning that you can easily be directed to visit other parts (neighborhoods) of the city. The environment in Ferizaj is usually packed with energy that young people bring to it.
Anton Qeta Library

The library is a very important cultural and educative institution whose task is to through a broad activity to release man from ignorance and prejudice. The council of Ferizaj district in 1950 decided that for the needs of the city and its broad region to form the city library "Miladin Popovic". Some years later this library becomes the main library of the city.[2] In the cultural development of this area were opened libraries and reading rooms. These reading rooms were opened mainly close to primary schools for the only purpose to have a lighter access to reading. One of them was opened in the Old Village in 1934, the others in Talinovc Muhaxherve and Tankosiq in 1930 and also in Pojatisht and Kosine. During the war of 90s, the target of barbarity rested the whole Albanian culture including the library. This anti-cultural and destruction campaign of medieval proportions did not spare the libraries as institutions of knowledge, culture, education and civilization. With the destruction of libraries Serbs were aimed at destroying the spiritual and intellectual inheritance, tradition and cultural perspectives. Library immediately after the war had 8334 books. Facing and overcoming difficulties became with the help of the "Soros" who contracted the renovation of library and its facilities. Ten computers were donated to the library, as a new opportunity and experience of communication and internet network was installed at the same time. After many difficulties library was under the status of municipality and after that it passed under the care of the ministry of culture, sports and youth affairs. The fund of books during the 2005 had total of 17,441 pieces of books.[3]
Some library activities during 2005 have been:
- Library day
- Selection of the best reader
- Edition of book
- Exhibition with titles of books
- Meeting with city writers, etc.
Sadik Tafarshiku Library

Started working on Jan. 10th 2001. This library was funded by the Municipality of Ferizaj as well as by some international organizations like: USAID, KTI, Save the Children etc. In the premises of the library are developed different activities like: exhibition openings, scientific debates, literary hours, etc. The number of books during 2005 was 17722, whereas the number of readers was 1252.[4]
Nikas Mill
Nika’s Mill was built in the 16th century, is 500 years old and is one of the oldest monuments of culture in Ferizaj, which stood up to '90s. After it became his restoration from the aid of the owner and foreign donations.[5] Now at this location is built a beautiful square, a restaurant and the river passes near this mill. Nika’s Mill was the second for the labor force, while before it there was another mill 500 meters away from the Nika’s Mill called the Big Mill to which was operating at the same time with 6 stones for grinding grain. Ferizaj is known for mills of river in Kosovo, 52 mills have operated only in the course of the bifurcation river.[6]
Mosque and Church

It is a rare phenomenon in the world that Mosque and Orthodox Church are built in the same yard. This is another cultural characteristic of Ferizaj that Mosque and Orthodox church are built in the same yard. The first mosque was built in the Ottoman period in 1894 and remained stable until April 1941. The destruction of it was because of the bombing from German aviation in Ferizaj, where were destroyed other objects of cultural heritage, one of them has been the object of hotel Luboten, an old Austrian model. After the destruction of the mosque of the Ottoman Empire, the coming years have been required to the construction of a new mosque. In 1942 was built a new mosque which is today the largest mosque, the completion of it was made in 1943. Construction of the first minaret was made in 1957 which is still today, while the second building of the minaret was made in 2003 with the help of a donation. Then, the Orthodox Church was built in 1928 by the Yugoslav government. Their decision was to build the church in the courtyard of the mosque. The first idea for the construction of the church was 100 meters from the church’s current location, but due to poor conditions for construction, government decided that the Orthodox Church to be built in the location where it is now faced Great Mosque. Completion of this construction of the Orthodox Church was made in 1931.[7]
Feriz's inn
Another cultural site is also Feriz Shashivari’s inn. It is not known where and how it was created but it mentioned by a French guide Ami Bue in 1836, some decades before the foundation of the city. According to some old people this inn was somewhere close to the railway station.[8]
Goddess of Varos

This antique figure is found in Varos, a prehistoric village of Ferizaj from a case in 2010. It was formed in the 6th millennium BC, so it is about 8000 years old. In this figure, is presented a historical view of the beginning of operation from the baked ceramic material, specifically the baking is done on the sunny hills because it was not developed the oven baking technology. This figure shows the cult of women, where are highlighted her face, her breasts and other feminine features.[9]
Hotel Luboten Painting

The Figure of Luboten is worked in 1960 by a Macedonian artist in Ferizaj, his work has bestowed Luboten hotel because of its length but it has taken wider size as the identification of Ferizaj. This image is located in the city center and now the city of Ferizaj is identified with luboten’s hotel figure through different Medias.
In the years 1960-70 in Europe penetrates a new type of rock music. This new type of music has penetrated in Balkan Peninsula countries. Within this have been formed some musical groups in Albanian regions, where some of them have been from the town of Ferizaj, as a group: Tonic, Trix, etc. We can always say with pride that Ferizaj’s Trix group formed in the spring of 1974 has made great ples, with members: Veli Sahiti, Muhamet Bislimi, Nuredin Azemi. But on this year they have made changes, by including two new members in group: Hil Prenk Palaj (trommler) and Gjergj Prenk Palaj (Harmonic mouth). Trix group has performed mainly rock music and entertainment light music. The first festival of rock bands baptized with the name Albanian Youth sings 1974, where Trix was presented two years rapidly in 1974 with the song For You, and Love in June 1975.[10] The leader of this group is Veli Sahiti, who is the only member of this group, which has remained in Kosovo, while others are distributed across different countries of the West.[11] Trix Group has promoted 17 albums. Albums conducted 1989–2008:
- Krushqit e pajtimit, 1990
- Bukë, kripë e zemër, 1991
- Vala e re, 1992
- Toka ime, 1993
- Vallja e rinisë, 1994
- Si të them, 1995
- Çohu, more Rexho, 1996
- Fati nuk është iluzion, 1997
- Balada X, 1998
- Kurora digjet në zjarr, 1998
- Lamtumirë, gjeneratë, 2000
- Vallëzimi i yjeve, 2001
- Moj e mira te pojata, 2002
- Iluzion, 2003
- Engjulli im, 2005
- Imazhi yt, 2006
- Shëtitjet në Ulpianë, 2008.

According to the records of the time and data, cultural activity in the city of Ferizaj was organized in Cultural Artistic Association (CAA). It is believed that since 1928 has had performances in this theater. In 1941 on top of these activities, Lorenc Antoni, who was born in 1929 in Skopje but his activities continued in Ferizaj. Within these groups CAA also exist where they staged several dramatic scenes. In 1943 Hasan Dyngjeri had been directing some of the plays of Kristo Floqi. From 1941 to 1946 the drama group mainly Albanian authors showed only in bars. In 1946 there was formed the CAA "Mustaf Bakija." The theatre also had the group of dancers who had more than 40 members. In the second half of 1955 in Ferizaj, were formed a group of intellectuals who formed the city amateur theatre.[12]

The biggest reputation of clubs in Kosovo holds the town of Ferizaj. Citizens from the district of Prishtina, Prizren etc., prefer to spend their night life in Ferizaj’s Clubs. The biggest clubs in Ferizaj are Diamonds Club and Coco Club.[13] These two clubs have a distance to each other near 100 meters and maintain evening every weekend. DJ from around the world have performed in these clubs, where some of them are: DJ Tarkan, DJ Daddy K, David Vendetta, DJ Whoo Kid (Official DJ of 50 Cent) etj.[14] Also in these clubs perform famous singers of Kosovo as: Tingulli i trent, Skillz, Altuna Sejdiu, Kaos, Elita 5 etc.

A museum was established in Ferizaj in June 2011. When the new director arrived in August 2011 the museum didn’t have any exhibits, it was just inaugurated and empty. Gradually with the passing of time, spreading news that Ferizaj museum was open, people donated exhibits to the museum. In two and half years, the museum succeeded in collecting over 800 exhibits. The museum is separated into two sectors, archeology and ethnology.

Ferizaj have many festivals, some of them are:
- Culture manifestation in case of 7 and 8 March,
- Culture day 2–12 June,
- ’’Kosovarja Sings’’ Festival,
- ’’Kastriotet’’ Festival,
- Festival of Theatres in Kosovo,
- Ferfilm.
International film Festival FERFILM was planned for many years and finally took place in 2013. FERFILM was founded by a group of artists mainly from Ferizaj as for what stands the name. This very moment was considered as an initiative to promote world values and cultures through movie as a multidimensional and attractive method. Ferizaj offers many great places to be visited from the tourists, while FERFILM on-goes our city will organize tours and entertain the visitors.[15]
Festival of Theaters in Kosovo
At the initiative of the Common Educational of Kosovo, namely Mr. Kole Bitër Shiroka and Mr. Shukri Hoxha formed and organized for the first time the ‘’Festival of Theaters in Kosovo’’ in Ferizaj in November 1970, since that year the festival is held every year. The festival has been a journey with ups and downs, but the goal of the festival is reached. This festival has brought big names of the Albanian scene, who today are well known on the international scene. Also, this festival has preceded many other festivals in Kosovo. Many theaters in Kosovo have received awards in the festival and other rewards from Yugoslavia but also outside of it, it shows the importance of this festival, that is the oldest festival in the Albanian lands. Festival in recent years, with the artistic community consultations in Kosovo and beyond, held at the professional level.[16] This decision was taken on the basis of actual needs in Kosovo and Albanian-speaking theater in general. In this year is the 44 edition a row.[17]
Establishment ensemble ‘’Kastriotet’’ Ferizaj 1967 was one of the important events for the people of this area. There were more than a year that was rumored for the establishment of a cultural association which will present the overall creativity of this area and clean sources of its Albanians. In the spring of 1967 the need made itself. Was founded cultural society ‘’Kastriotet’’ which was the first of its kind in Ferizaj.[18] Rexhep Rifati was a professor and journalist, so he had the honor of being the first president of the ensemble ‘’Kastriotet’’. The first public appearance took place in August 1967, after two months of painstaking trials the success did not fail. Public presentation in Kaqanik was greater success that ‘’Kastriot’’ had at that time. Major successes enabled ‘’Kastriotet’’ to be known and be required by our compatriots who work and live in exile. This was achieved to be realized in the spring of 1979, when ‘’Kastriotet’’ went on tour in France, Belgium and Germany and gave tens of successful concerts.[19] in the early 80s ‘’Kastriotet’’ were at the top of their activity, but there were difficult years in the horizon, because in 80 years it was intended their extinction. In 1989 came out to Albanian the destruction of every thing by losing every value that had created until then. For this reason it was decided to stop the work of the ‘’Kastrioti’’ ensemble. Reunion of ‘’Kastriotet’’ ensemble was made in 1993 with initiation of Shukri Hoxha, who joined many others who wanted the cultural revival in Ferizaj. After reunion, the ensemble continues walking on the path of creating songs, and will also continue in the future.[20]
Kosovarja Sings Festival
To bury the negative prejudice of the woman at the time, was initiated establishment of festival ‘’Kosovarja sings’’, with the main purpose - the emancipation and disclosure of the female values in these regions. Therefore jumped idea that participants would be female only, so that the latter should be given the opportunity to be promoted and to be closely associated with the scene and our tradition culture.[21] Festival of the song Kosovarja sings for the first time raised the onset in 1972. The founders of the festival are: Hivzi Fazliu, Shukri Hoxha, Sinan Sahiti, Muhamet Maloku, Halil Buqinca, Rexhep Rifati, Hysen Damjaha and Bislim Kastrati. Cultural life in Ferizaj came alive with this festival becoming a fruitful artistic activities. Urged young talented for recognition of various folk instruments and artistic. Known participants in this festival are:
- Sadie Hoxha - vocal potency which took maximal from jury evaluation as a soloist with the mire.[22]
- Xhejlane Gutiqi - which broadcast high security interpretative abducted with strong ovations.
- Nexhmie Sadiq - The winner of the second edition.
- Shyhrete Behluli - Best singer in year '80.[23]
- Shkurte Fejza, etj.
Festival performance in 90 had difficulty in realizing its songs so much and means giving the participant had pronounced the subject of the freedom-loving Albanian folk art elements. Original songs which pretended Albanian heroes, were obliged to change those names in other names. Early 2000s had decided ‘’Kosovarja sings’’ festival in a new millennium and the festival continued his tradition. In 2004 they presented 15 solo ensemble under the escort of ‘’Kastriotis’’ and ‘’Corona’’ group under the leadership of composer Valton Beqiri. Shyhrete Osmanollaj won first prize with the song ‘’Come’’.[24] In 2011 by the professional jury: Astrit Mustafa, Selami Kolonja dhe Sanie Matoshi, were announced these winners: Ardita Ukaj (first prize), Liridona Sefa (second prize), Kris Strumcaku (third prize), Irilinda Beqiri (Nexhmie Pagarusha) and Fatjona Malsiu (public reward).[25]
- ↑ Grup autoresh Ferizaj dhe rrethina, Beograd, 1975, page 262
- ↑ Biblioteka nderkomunale Anton Qeta, Monografi, Ferizaj, page 10
- ↑ Bibliteka nderkomunale Anton Qeta, Monografi, Ferizaj, page 24-25
- ↑ Bibliteka nderkomunale Anton Qeta, Monografi, Ferizaj, page 53
- ↑ Filloi restaurimi i mullirit te Nikes
- ↑ Mulliri i Nikes
- ↑ Xhamia dhe Kisha ne Ferizaj]
- ↑ Shaban Hashani Ferizai dhe rrethina Ferizaj, page 21
- ↑ Trashigimia kulturore ne Kosov
- ↑ Veli Sahiti Trix
- ↑ Veli Sahiti biografia
- ↑ Festivali i Teatrove
- ↑ Coco Club
- ↑ Club Dj Tarkan
- ↑ Ferfilm
- ↑ Festivali i Teatrove Ferizaj
- ↑ Festivali i teatrove te Kosoves
- ↑ Jehon kenga vallja s'ndalet Rrahim Sadiku page 5
- ↑ Jehon kenga vallja s'ndalet Rrahim Sadiku page 39-40
- ↑ Jehon kenga vallja s'ndalet Rrahim Sadiku page 47-50
- ↑ Muzika neper shekuj, Zijadin Ismajli, page 222
- ↑ Veshtrimi historik mbi rrugtimin 40-vjeqar te festivalit Kosovarja Kendon, Albulena Nuredini, page 13
- ↑ Veshtrimi historik mbi rrugtimin 40-vjeqar te festivalit Kosovarja Kendon, Albulena Nuredini, page 39-40
- ↑ Kenges shqipe iu shtuan 15 perla, Ramadan Asllani, gazeta Bota Sot, 28.11.2004
- ↑ Veshtrimi historik mbi rrugtimin 40-vjeqar te festivalit Kosovarja Kendon, Albulena Nuredini, page 68