Czech Aeroholding
Czech Aeroholding, a.s., a company whose sole shareholder is the state, represented by the Ministry of Finance of the CR, came into being with its entry in the Commercial Register on March 11, 2011, in keeping with a government decree of November 2010. The main task of Czech Aeroholding is to ensure coordination, financial management and implementation of synergies within the group.
Czech aeroholding Group

Czech Aeroholding is an important group which is gradually assuming control of aviation transport companies and firms providing related ground services at the Prague/Ruzyne International Airport. Since 2011, the following companies have become part of Czech aeroholding: Prague Airport – operator of the Prague/Ruzyne International Airport, Czech Airlines, an air transport company and other firms grouped under Czech Airlines. These include HOLIDAYS Czech Airlines, a charter transport company; Czech Airlines Technics, providing aircraft maintenance services; Czech Airlines Handling, providing aircraft handling and passenger check-in services; and CSA Services, which operates a call center and offers human resources services. Czech aeroholding is a leading employer, currently creating approximately 5600 jobs.
Significant Events at Czech aeroholding in 2011 and Early 2012
- January 2011 - The government of the Czech Republic approves the establishing privatization project for a portion of the assets of the state company Sprava Letiště Praha.
- February 2011 - the Ministry of Finance of the Czech Republic signs the company charter.
- March 2011 - Czech Aeroholding, a.s., is entered in the Register of Companies.
- May 2011 - the CR government decides that after the company is divided through a spin-off, 100% of Prague Airport shares will be merged with a portion of its assets and deposited as a non-monetary investment in Czech aeroholding.
- October 2011 - real property is transferred from Prague Airport and merged with the holdings of Czech aeroholding. A shared services center was created in the new parent company.
- October 2011 - a decision by the Office for the Protection of Competition comes into force allowing the merger of competitors
- October 2011 - Czech Airlines Handling becomes part of the Czech aeroholding Group.
- November 2011 - CSA Services becomes part of the Czech aeroholding Group.
- December 2011 - HOLIDAYS Czech Airlines becomes part of the Czech aeroholding Group.
- January 2012 - selected services are transferred from Czech Airlines to Czech aeroholding.
- March 2012 - the Ministry of Finance of the CR signs a contract transferring 100% of the stock of Prague Airport to Czech Aeroholding.
- April 2012 - a ruling by the Prague Municipal Court comes into force increasing the registered capital of Czech Aeroholding by depositing Prague Airport stock in the amount of CZK 26,944,000,000.
- April 2012 - Czech Airlines Technics becomes a subsidiary company of Czech aeroholding.
- June 2012 - The government of the Czech Republic approved the method of incorporating Czech Airlines, Inc. into the Czech Aeroholding Group.
- August 2012 - An agreement on the deposit of Czech Airlines, Inc. shares into Czech Aeroholding, Inc. was signed. Czech Aeroholding, Inc. thus became the majority shareholder of Czech Airlines, replacing the Ministry of Finance of the Czech Republic.
- November 2012 - Czech Government has passed a resolution in which it authorizes the company Czech Aeroholding to prepare a tender for the sale of the share capital of Czech Airlines, or for finding a possible strategic investor. The process will be finished by the end of the first half of 2013.
- March 2013 - Czech Aeroholding received a binding offer from Korean Air to purchase 460,725 shares in the Czech Airlines, representing a 44% stake. Subsequently the Government of the CR approved the offer.
- April 2013 - Petr Nečas, Prime Minister of the CR, Miroslav Kalousek, Minister of Finance of the CR and representatives of Czech Aeroholding and Korean air signed a contract for the purchase of 460,725 Czech Airlines shares by Korean Air.
Structure of the Holding Company
- Czech Aeroholding, a.s.
- Letiště Praha -
- České aerolinie a.s. -
- Czech Airlines Handling, a.s. -
- Czech Airlines Technics, a.s. -
Czech Aeroholding, a.s.
Aside from the Group management, Czech Aeroholding deals with intangible asset rental (including infrastructure) at Prague/Ruzyně Airport. The company owns the buildings and land which were formerly under the ownership of Prague Airport. Prague Airport, the operator of Prague/Ruzyne International Airport and other entities, leases them on the basis of long-term contracts. Czech Aeroholding also serves as a shared services center for all firms within the holding company. It provides shared services such as IT, human resources management, central purchasing and sales, legal services, financial services and accounting to its subsidiaries.
Basic Data on Czech Aeroholding, a.s., the Parent Company (as of 31 December 2011)
Equity (in thousands CZK) | 26,944,000 (as of April 2012) |
Number of employees | 388 (as of April 30, 2012) |
Czech Aeroholding, a.s. Financial Indicators for 2011 (in thousands CZK)
Turnover (performance and revenues from sales of goods) | 2,287,269 |
Added value | 1,467,840 |
Income before tax | 301,978 |
Income for the accounting period | 231,788 |
Assets | 36,457,819 |
Equity | 26,769,788 |
Czech Aeroholding, a.s. is headquartered at the Prague/Ruzyně International Airport, Prague 6, in the APC building.
Company address:
Jana Kašpara 1069/1
160 08 Praha 6
Czech Aeroholding, a.s. Bodies
Board of Directors - Czech Aeroholding, a.s., is managed by a six-member Board of Directors:
- Miroslav Dvořák - Chairman of the Board of Directors
- Petr Vlasák - First Vice-Chairman of the Board of Directors
- Philippe Moreels - Vice-Chairman of the Board of Directors
- Ivan Fuksa - Vice-Chairman of the Board of Directors
- Marta Guthová - Member of the Board of Directors
- Josef Adam - Member of the Board of Directors
Supervisory Board - The Supervisory Board consists of twelve members and is the supervisory body of Czech Aeroholding, a.s. The Chairman is Michal Mejstřík; the Vice-Chairmen are Zdeněk Zajíček and Jan Blažek.
External links
- website: Český aeroholding