Daimonion (Daimonion album)

Studio album by Daimonion
Released June 15, 2007
Genre Alternative rock, Gothic rock
Label Love Industry

Daimonion is an album by the Polish band Daimonion released on June, the 15th 2007 by an independent Polish record label Love Industry. It is the official Daimonion's debut and at the same time a re-issue of the formerly self-released material circulating underground in the form of CD-R copies. It also marks the band's return to activity after a several-year break.

Track listing

  1. "Intro"
  2. "Wiatr" (Wind)
  3. "Poza Tobą" (Beyond You)
  4. "Inne kolory" (Altered Colours)
  5. "Tak blisko, a tak daleko" (So Close Yet So Far Away)
  6. "Torami Twojej produkcji" (Following Your Tracks)
  7. "Obłęd" (Madness)
  8. "Noc (jej siostra zabrała Twoje dni)" (Night)
  9. "Styks (długa podróż)" (Styx)


External links

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