Daniel Giraud Elliot Medal

The Daniel Giraud Elliot Medal is awarded by the U.S. National Academy of Sciences "for meritorious work in zoology or paleontology published in a three- to five-year period." Named after Daniel Giraud Elliot, it was first awarded in 1917.

List of Daniel Giraud Elliot Medal winners

For his novel and penetrating studies of adaptive radiation in vertebrates, notably his comprehensive study of Anolis lizards in tropical America, as summarized in his recent book, Lizards in an Evolutionary Tree: Ecology and Adaptive Radiation of Anoles ISBN 978-0520269842.
For studies of the first terrestrial vertebrates and the water-to-land transition, as illuminated in her book Gaining Ground: The Origin and Evolution of Tetrapods ISBN 978-0253356758 .
For creative accomplishments in research, teaching, and writing (especially The Shape of Life) that led to the establishment of a new field, evolutionary developmental biology.
For his extracting major generalizations about biological evolution from the fossil record, by feeling details of shell anatomy that other scientists only see.
For his research on the ecology, sociobiology, biodiversity, and plant phenology of the tropics, and for his 1992 book, Diversity and the Tropical Rain Forest.
For his seminal contributions to current evolutionary thought, including the importance of natural selection and adaptation, and the understanding of sexual reproduction, social behavior, senescence, and disease.
For their application of DNA hybridization techniques to bird classification which revolutionized taxonomy by showing at last how to distinguish evolutionary relationships from convergent similarities.
For his work as a limnologist, biochemist, ecologist, evolutionist, art historian, ranking among our zoological giants.
For the six-volume treatise on the taxonomy, paleoecology, and evolutionary significance of the West Texas permian brachiopods.
For his work over a 25-year span on the biology and evolution of behavior in wasps.
For his outstanding fundamental work on the systematic, evolution, and behavior of crickets.
For his treatise, "Animal Species and Evolution".
For his treatise, "Principles of Animal Taxonomy."
For his work on Zoogeography: The Geographical Distribution of Animals was the most meritorious work in zoology published during the year.
For his book, The Honey Guides. Dr. Friedman's studies of this little-known African bird clarified several puzzling problems concerning it.
In recognition of his studies of Bryozoa, particularly for the volume on Bryozoa of the Pacific Coast of America, part 1, published by the University of Southern California.
For the 17th volume in his series on the Life Histories of the North American Birds, published by the United States National Museum.
For his contributions to marine zoology, particularly for his part as senior author in the volume Fishes of the Western North Atlantic.
For his volume, The South Africa Fossil Ape-Men, The Australopithecinae, which was published on January 31, 1946, by the Transvaal Museum in Pretoria.
For his fundamental work dealing with the genetics of evolutionary processes—a program based on work over a long period, including his paper "The Differential Equation of the Distribution of Gene Frequencies."
For his work, Tempo and Mode in Evolution, Columbia University Press, 1944.
For his work, "Studies of Cerebral Function in Learning," Journal of Comparative Neurology, 1943, volume 79.
For his work, On Growth and Form, revised and enlarged, 1942.
For his work, Genetics and the Origin of Species, second edition published in 1941.
For his work, The Mammalian Fauna of the White River Oligocene. Part IV. Artiodactyia.
For his work, Crystalline Enzymes: The Chemistry of Pepsin, Trypsin, and Bacteriophage.
For his work, Immunogenetic Studies of Species Relationships in Columbidae.
For his work "Do Melanophore Nerves Show Antidromic Responses?" Journal of General Physiology, volume 20, July 1937.
For his work entitled, The Birds of the Belgian Congo, Part I, published as a bulletin of the American Museum of Natural History in 1932.
For his work entitled Correlated Anatomical and Physiological Studies of the Growth of the Nervous System of Amphibia.
For his work, Lives of Game Animals, Volume 4.
For his work, The Downtonian and Devonian Vertebrates of Spitzbergen, Part I.
For his volume, The Cell in Development and Heredity.
For his work, North American Later Tertiary and Quaternary Bryozoa.
For his work in entomology, Ants of the American Museum Congo Expedition.
For his volume in ichthyology, Bibliography of Fishes.
For his classic work, Birds of North and Middle America.

See also

External links

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