Daniel Spassov

Daniel Spassov - Bulgarian singer

Daniel Spassov is a performer of folk songs from Northwestern Bulgaria.


Daniel Spassov is born in Sofia. He studied law at Sofia University "St. Kliment Ohridski" and Master "Musical Folklore" at New Bulgarian University. The artistic biography of Daniel Spassov includes more than 250 recordings of folk music in Bulgarian National Radio, movies in Bulgarian National Television, four single CDs. In 1994 the world famous encyclopedia "Music of the world" (London) included his name. He is an editor in Bulgarian National Television and tv host to the folklore show "Goes our music". Over the years Daniel Spassov has been an author and presenter of the "News by notes", "Whistled and sang", "Word by word" to the folklore festival in Koprivshtitsa. Also he has made so many portraits and some documental movies for famous bulgarian folklore musicians.

Since 1996 Daniel Spassov becomes a solist of the world famous female folklore choir "The Mystery of Bulgarian Voices" / Le Mystère des Voix Bulgares. As a solist of the choir, he had single participations in some of the most prestigious concert halls in Europe, Asia, America and Africa – Royal Festival Hall and Barbican Centre – London, John F. Kennedy Center for the Performing ArtsWashington, D.C., Konzerthaus, Vienna, ConcertgebouwAmsterdam.

Daniel Spassov and Milen Ivanov - soloists of The Mystery of Bulgarian Voices

In 2000 he takes part as a solist in the project "Vaticano greets the World for 21st century". In 2001 featuring "The Mystery of Bulgarian Voices"/ Le Mystère des Voix Bulgares, he realized record for BBC Radio. In 2011 Daniel Spassov, Milen E. Ivanov and Eva Quartet give a concert in Berlin Philharmonic under the motto "Music from the monasteries". Daniel Spassov`s voice sounds in many documental films, introducing the Bulgarian cultural and historical heritage. In 2012 he receives a special invitation to take part in International film production "Dervishes - mystic of the east".


Since 1998 he`s been working with Milen E. Ivanov. Their creative quests are related to Bulgarian two part singing. They are searching and recording samples of the most ancient stratums of Bulgarian folklore (Music of Bulgaria), in most of the records they experiment, superimpose voices, find modern music making. In 2003 released their first album with rebel, historical and renaissance songs; in 2005 they present the album "Bulgarian Diaphonic Singing". Make a lot of concerts in Bulgaria and private tours abroad - Austria, Germany, Sweden, Denmark, Czech Republic, Israel, Corsica, Switzerland. In 2008 released an album with ancient Bulgarian Orthodox Church songs "Thou art blessed,Lord". In 2009 released the album "Christmas Blessing". "The Mystery of the Ritual" released in 2012, included ritual songs of Bulgarian celebration rituals.

Svetoglas - The Mystery of Bulgarian Polyphony

In 2009 Daniel Spassov, Milen E. Ivanov, Stanimir Ivanov and Viktor Tomanov create male vocal formation Svetoglas. This formation is associated with the Christian music, Traditional music and its contemporary sound. The first musical project Svetoglas is entitled "The Wheel of Life".

In 2014 Svetoglas realizes several recordings of ancient ecclesiastical chants for the second independent project "Ancient Orthodox Hymns". The formation has made a number of successful tours in Russia, England, Norway, Belgium and Spain. Participates in the international festival "Music of Faith" in Kazan - Russia, the Festival of Spiritual Music in Drammen - Norway, at the Festival of Sacred Music "Maestro de la Roza" in Oviedo - Spain, the International Music Festival in Cartagena, Colombia.


External links

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