Danir AB

Danir AB is a Swedish holding company for the Olofsson family investments. Danir owns, manages and actively participates in the development of listed and unlisted companies, mainly within development-intensive business sectors. The core holdings and portfolio companies are characterised by sharing Danir's view on entrepreneurship and commitment to create long-term value growth. Danir was founded in 1986 by Swedish IT entrepreneur Dan Olofsson. Danir's HQ is located in Malmö, Sweden. CEO is Anders Johnsson.


As of today Danir’s holdings consist of the technology consultant Epsilon, listed IT group Sigma AB, Africa-based Thanda Private Game Reserve, and the project The World Village of Women Sports in Malmö, Sweden. Furthermore there are the companies Danir Memory AB and Advantum InfoTech Scandinavia. The portfolio companies Malmöhus Invest AB and the corporate finance company HDR Partners assists Danir mainly with venture capital.

Social responsibility

Danir is actively supporting the Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) project Star for Life, a South Africa based hiv/aids prevention initiative.


Danir's official site

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