Degree programmes of the University of Groningen
Bachelor's degree programmes
The Bachelor phase lasts three years and successful completion of a Bachelor's programme results in a BSc, LLB or BA degree. There are a total number of 49 Bachelor's degree programmes. The Bachelor's degree programmes with English as the language of instruction are: Arts
- American studies
- International relations and international organization
- English language and culture
- Frisian Language and Culture (Minorities and Multilingualism)
Economics and business
- Econometrics and operations research
- Economics and business economics
- International business
Mathematics and natural science
- Applied mathematics
- Applied physics
- Artificial intelligence
- Astronomy
- Biology
- Chemichal engineering
- Chemistry
- Computing science
- Industrial engineering and management
- Mathematics
- Physics
Medical sciences
- Medicine, profile 'global health'
Behavioural and social sciences
- Psychology
- International and European law
- Other programmes[1]
Master's degree programmes
Programmes last between one and three years. Successful completion of a Master’s programme is awarded with a Master’s degree (MA, MSc or LLM). 101 Master's programmes have English as the language of instruction:

- American Studies
- Applied Linguistics: Teaching English as a Foreign Language
- Art, History and Archaeology, (research)
- Arts, Culture and Media
- Classical, Medieval and Renaissance Studies, (research)
- Clinical Linguistics (EMCL), (research), erasmus mundus
- Euroculture, erasmus mundus
- European Integration
- European Linguistics
- English Literature and Culture
- Global Governance
- Information Science
- International Humanitarian Action (NOHA). erasmus mundus
- International Relations and International Organization
- International Political Economy
- International Security
- Journalism
- Language and Communication Technologies (LCT), (research), erasmus mundus
- Language and Cognition
- Literary and cultural studies, (research)
- Modern History and International Relations, (research)
- Multiculturalism: Learning and Teaching of Spanish in Multilingual and International Contexts (Multiele), in English and Spanish, erasmus mundus
- Multilingualism
- Writing Editing and Mediating
Behavioural and Social Sciences
- Behavioural and Social Sciences, (research)
- Education: Educational effectiveness and instructional design
- Educational sciences: communication and deafblindness
- Psychology
- Economics and Business
- Business Administration, 4 specialisaties
- Change management
- DDM Advanced International Business Management and Marketing
- DDM Central-East European Economies
- DDM China and the World Economy
- DDM International Development Economics
- DDM Operations Management
- DDM Strategic Marketing Intelligence
- Econometrics, Operations Research and Actuarial Studies Economics
- Finance
- Human Resource Management Industrial Engineering and Management
- International Business and Management
- International Economics and Business
- DDM International Financial Management
- International Financial Management
- Marketing
- Organizational and Management Control
- Research Master in Economics and Business
- Small Business and Entrepreneurship
- Strategic Innovation Management
- Supply Chain Management
- Technology and Operations Management
Health and life sciences
- Behavioural and Cognitive Neurosciences, (research)
- Biology
- Biomedical Engineering Biomedical Sciences
- Clinical and Psychosocial Epidemiology (research)
- Ecology and Evolution
- Energy and Environmental Sciences Evolutionary Biology
- Human Movement Sciences
- Marine Biology
- Medical and Pharmaceutical Drug Innovation, (research)
- Medical Pharmaceutical Sciences
- Molecular Biology and Biotechnology
- Sport Sciences
- Criminal Law and Criminology
- European Law
- International and Comparative Private Law
- International Economic and Business Law
- International Law and the Law of International Organizations
- Philosophy
- Philosophy, (research)
Science and Technology
- Applied Mathematics
- Applied Physics
- Artificial Intelligence
- Astronomy
- Biomedical Engineering
- Chemical Engineering (J)
- Chemistry
- Computing Science
- Energy and Environmental Sciences
- Human-Machine Communication
- Industrial Engineering and Management
- Mathematics
- Medical and Pharmaceutical Drug Innovation, (research)
- Molecular Biology and Biotechnology
- Nanoscience, (top master)
- Physics
Spatial Sciences
- Environmental and Infrastructure Planning
- DDM Development Planning and Infrastructure Planning
- Population Studies
- Regional Studies, (research)
- DDM Water and Coastal management
Theology and Religious Studies
- Religion, Conflict and Globalisation
- Religion, Conflict and Globalisation, part-time
- Origins of Abrahamic Religions: Texts and Contexts
- Origins of Abrahamic Religions: Texts and Contexts, part-time
- Concealed Knowledge: Gnosticism, Esotericism & Mysticism
- Concealed Knowledge: Gnosticism, Esotericism & Mysticism, part-time
- Religion and the Public Domain
- Religion and the Public Domain, part-time
- Religion and Culture, (research)
- Other programmes[2]
PhD degree programmes
Most departments, affiliated (research) institutes and faculties offer doctorate programmes or positions, leading to a PhD degree. All PhD degrees offered are concentrated in one of the Graduate Schools. PhD programmes usually take four years. The results of the research are written down in a PhD thesis, often including papers published in scientific journals.