Dell Quay Dory

A Dell Quay Dory is a small boat usually 13 to 22 foot in length. This boat design has a Cathedral Hull which is very stable when stationary on the water. The boat was manufactured by Dell Quay Marine in the UK between the 1980s and 90s. Dell Quay Marine also brought out a Eurosport model that was designed to pull a skier.

A modern equivalent of the Dell Quay Dory is manufactured today by Fletcher Boats.

The Dell Quay Dory has been described as a UK built copy of a 'Boston Whaler' from the US, but from heavier construction. Online articles have it that a British agent for Boston Whaler in the US returned to the UK and created the DellQuay brand after being denied permission to import the BW into the UK. However, the story is untrue and has no affiliation with Boston Whale Corporation with was bought out by Reebok in the 1980's nor is the bull built with the same quality as the Del Quay copies have a tendency to split along it's bottom seam as the hulls are of 2 piece construction. This defect causes the foam core to soak up water causing water retention and stringer rot. An 11-foot version was quite common as well as the popular 13 and 17 foot models. These boats were built from the mid-1960s, with the DellQuay brand going through several ownerships.

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