Dema Deity

Dema Deity is a concept introduced by Adolf Ellegard Jensen following his research on religious sacrifice.[1] Jensen was a German ethnologist who furthered the theory of Cultural Morphology founded by Leo Frobenius,[2]
The term dema comes from the Marind-anim peoples of south-west Papua and has been used to refer to similar concepts in Melanesian Religion and elsewhere. Dema Deities are mythological figures (human, animal, or super-human) who have given to certain peoples their land, food-crops, totems, and knowledge such as how to cultivate crops, raise poultry, make boats, perform dances and perform sacred rituals. In some cases, such as in the Hainuwele myth of Seram recorded by Jensen, it is claimed that from their dismembered bodies, blood, etc., came the different communities that are now in existence, together with their territory. Both local culture and natural environment remain permeated with the supernatural power of these creative deities.[3]
See also
- ↑ Adolf Ellegard Jensen, Myth and Cult among Primitive Peoples, University of Chicago Press, 1963
- ↑ The study of religion(s) in Western Europe II - Michael Stausberg
- ↑ Powers, Plumes and Piglets: Phenomena of Melanesian religion(ed. by N. C. Habel), Bedford Park, South Australia, Australia Association for the Study of Religions, 1979: ISBN 0-908083-07-6
Further reading
- FORTUNE, R. F., Sorcerers of Dobu: The social anthropology of the Dobu Islanders of the Western Pacific, London, G. Routledge, 1932; rev. edn, London, Routledge & Kegan Paul, 1963; 1932 edn repr. Darby, Pa, Arden, 1979.
- WILLIAMS, F. E., Drama of Orokolo: The Social and Ceremonial Life of the Elema, Oxford, Clarendon Press, 1940.
- STREHLOW, T. G. H., "Australia", in: C. J. Bleeker and G. Widengren (eds), Historia Religionum: Handbook for the History of Religions, Leiden, Brill, vol. 2, 1971, pp. 609 – 28.
- SELIGMANN, C. G., The Melanesians of British New Guinea, Cambridge, Cambridge University Press, 1910; repr. New York, AMS, 1976: ISBN 0-404-14174-9
- BEST, E., Maori Religion and Mythology, Wellington, 1924, repr. by Government Printer, Wellington, 1976 (Dominion Museum Bulletin, no. 10); New York, AMS, 1976: ISBN 0-404-14412-8
- BURRIDGE, K., Tangu Traditions: A Study of the Way of Life, Mythology , and Developing Experience of a New Guinea People, Oxford, Clarendon Press, 1969: ISBN 0-19-823136-9
- ELIADE, M., Australian Religions: An Introduction, Ithaca, N.Y., London, Cornell University Press, 1973: ISBN 0-8014-0729-X
- ELKIN, A. P., Aboriginal Men of High Degree, 2nd edn, St Lucia, University of Queensland Press, 1977; New York, St Martin's, 1978: ISBN 0-7022-1017-X
- GEERTZ, C., The Religion of Java, Glencoe, Ill, Free Press, 1960; Chicago, Ill, University of Chicago Press, 1976: ISBN 0-226-28510-3
- JENSEN, E., The Iban and Their Religion, Oxford, Clarendon Press, 1974, 1975: ISBN 0-19-823179-2
- POGNANT, R., Oceanic Mythology: The Myths of Polynesia, Micronesia, Melanesia, Australia, London, Hamlyn, 1967: ISBN 0-600-02372-9
External links
- Sorcerers of Dobu: The social anthropology of the Dobu Islanders of the Western Pacific Waveland Press (August 1989): ISBN 0-88133-452-9
- Williams, Francis. Edgar.
- Drama of Orokolo: The social and ceremonial life of the Elema
- A review of - Drama of Okokolo: The Social and Ceremonial Life of the Elema by B B; F E Williams: ISSN 0016-7398
- Orokolo
- Orokolo - Bibliography
- Historia Religionum: Handbook for the History of Religions by C.J. Bleeker, G. Widengren: ISBN 90-04-08928-4
- The Melanesians of British New Guinea
- Elsdon Best: Maori Religion and Mythology Part 1
- Bibliography - Burridge Kenelm
- Locating the Divine in Melanasia: An Appreciation of the work of Kennelm Burridge
- Tangu Traditions: A Study of the Way of Life, Mythology , and Developing Experience of a New Guinea People
- Australian Religions: An Introduction
- The Iban and Their Religion
- Oceanic Mythology: The Myths of Polynesia, Micronesia, Melanesia, Australia
- Bibliography - Roslyn Poignant