Demographics of Ferizaj

Feriz Khan or Hani I Ferizit is known as the first place who brought the first inhabitants in the region of today's city, Ferizaj.

The first families to come in Ferizaj

Goga Families The city of Ferizaj was established in 1873, however, many decades before the creation of the city, in Ferizaj settled the first family known as Goga. Their houses were built in the village of Nikadin, which before the construction of the railway did not have a certain name. This family lived in the region of Ferizaj also in the period when Elezit Khan existed. They begin to work and create households and living conditions. While near their houses there was the crossroad, which linked all the roads of Kosovo, they became the most important family of that time. Members of this family are considered as the first inhabitants and the creators of the city. It is thought that Goga family is derived from the areas of northern Albania, from the great highland, the village of Muraj. In those areas the surname Goga is very extended and many families around the beginning of the 18th century moved and were placed in the flat of Kosovo, in order to create better living conditions across Albanian territories. Together with the members of Goga family, in the created city of Ferizaj there was transferred the culture, the unique and wealthy spoken language originated from northern Albania. The chamber of Ismajl Goga is famous for its hospitality for friends, guests and people who were just passing by. Some of the first leaders of the Goga family are: Bislim Goga II, Haxhi Kadri Goga III, Ismajl Goga and his descendants are: Muharremi, Faiku, Samiu, Kadriu, Remziu, Xhylizarja.[1]

Vata Families Early residents of Ferizaj city were also Vata Family. These families lived quiet until the year of 1912, in the same place where nowadays is settled the military barrack. This family mostly worked with agriculture and the cultivation of vegetables. The first leaders of Vata family are: Ali Vata, Avdi Vata, Bajram Vata, Beqir Vata, Fejze Vata, Haki Vata, Halim Vata, Hetem Vata, Halim Vata, Ismajl Vata, Liman Vata, Mustafe Vata, Muharrem Vata, Nazif Vata, Rizah Vata, Rifat Vata, Sylejman Vata, Shaban Vata, preacher, professor, teacher and one of the creators of the first Albanian school, known as "Ismajl Qemaili" in Ferizaj (1914–1968).[2]

Familja Kurti, Ferizaj 1920

Kurti Families[3]Early residents of Ferizaj city were also Kurti Family. Around 1750, Kolë Kurti and his brothers (Seba, Andrea and, Toni) moved to Gjakova, and later Zef Kurti married with Petra from Janjevo moved to Ferizaj in 1878 during the time the railway was under construction. They were mainly tradesmen and hand- craftsmen who brought up great individuals like: Father Shtjefën Kurti[4] (1898–1971) who was a priest and a martyr. He was born and raised in Ferizaj and studied in Graz, Feldkirch, and Innsbruck in Austria as well as Rome in Italy. From 1936 he was the parish priest in Tirana where he was executed by the communist regime of that time. Gjon Serreqi is another member of the Kurti family who was the leader of LNDSH (Lidhja Nacionale Demoratike Shqipetare) - Albanian National Democratic Union. Gjon Serreqi[5] was a professor, politically confined, sentenced to death for national activities by the regime of that time. Today, in his honor one of Europe’s largest Secondary Schools bears his name "Gjon Serreqi". The Kurti family brings the first pharmacist in Ferizaj, Anton Kurti, the father of Vilson and Marsel Kurti as well as the tradesman Leon Kurti, who is the father of Kolë and Franc Kurti, both mechanical engineers and gold tradesmen who to this day, reside in Ferizaj. The Kurti family is a large family whose members also live in Albania: Tirana and Durrës; Croatia: Opatija, Rijeka, Pula and Umag.

Albanian Catholic families Ferizaj became a very attractive place for those who learned' for its foundation, because it created new opportunities for work and it was an environment where there weren't national or religious separations. Because of that it became attractive for catholic families too, that came here since the beginning. Most of the catholic families were Handcrafts. They had different experiences to visit the most well-known handcrafts, economic, and cultural centers. The headers of those families were: Anton Kurti, Pharmacists, the father of Vilson and Marse Kurti, Merchant: Leon Kurti the father of Kolë and Franc Kurti both of them mechanical engineers, Violeta Kurti-Pufjes, education veteran; Anton Gjoni, baker and painter; Bate Kajtazi, officer, the father of Marsel and Viktor; Dede Gjini; Dede Pren Palaj, baker, Ded's father, teacher; Dedush Ndou, worker; Franc Dedushi, shopkeeper, Gap Gllasniqi, Merchant, Kole Gllasniqi's father, doctor of professional orientation; Gjon Serreqi, professor, politically confined, sentenced to death as a leader of Albanian National Democratic Organization for national activities.[6]

Refugee families Along the violent displacements of Albanians from Serbia (Sandzak o Nish) after the Berlin Congress in 1878, a big number of people were placed in Ferizaj. The most well-known family headers were Abdullah Musliu-Petrovci who were the Head of Ferizaj in 1946, Ahmet Qunglla, Ahmet Svarqa, Avdyl Rexhepi, Avdyl Qerimi, Emin Islami, Fetah Hasani, Hajdin Petrovci, etc.[7]

Gorani families This category came to Ferizaj from villages around Sharr (Dragash), that were known as very professional Handcrafts, cookers and confectioneries. Headers of Gorani Families were: Adem Limani, Beqir Mehmeti, Berzat Osmani, Daut Sadiku, Ejup Limani, Elez Rexhepi, etc.[8]

Serbian and Montenegrin families A big number of Serbians came to Ferizaj Merchants and Craftsman. They came from different places and areas in Kosovo. Serbians and Montenegrin came between two World Wars as colonizing population from all Serbian areas. The first family headers were: Dusha Llukiq, Marko Gjorgje Nikoliq, Sava Vitkoviq, etc.[9]

The historical population for the current area of Ferizaj, divided into statistical areas as follows: [10]

The number of residents and households economies in Ferizaj for the years 1961,1971,1981,1999

No. Residence
Number of residents Number of household economies
1961 1971 1981 1999 1961 1971 1981
1 Ferizaj 11655 22239 37655 57421 2354 4083 6179
2 Bablak 361 370 388 455 63 68 75
3 Babush 395 369 341 289 69 68 72
4 Balaj 551 687 933 1551 78 103 150
5 Bibaj 341 443 592 914 67 71 92
6 Burrnik 442 450 398 633 64 58 46
7 Cernill 546 668 817 1353 87 99 119
8 Doganaj 386 463 582 900 54 72 96
9 Dremjak 612 763 936 1557 100 110 130
10 Dardani 758 720 849 931 148 141 154
11 Gaqke 1081 1268 1723 2726 187 203 226
12 Gerlice 181 260 - 347 34 42 -
13 Greme 1966 2576 3520 5749 284 355 418
14 Jezerc 1630 1666 1621 2692 236 231 183
15 Komogllave 1851 2499 3118 5164 276 333 183
16 Koshare 925 1203 1543 2547 135 179 185
17 Kosine 536 605 731 1121 85 90 95
18 Loshkobare 668 920 1170 1910 100 141 148
19 Mirash 1083 1231 1542 2431 145 182 208
20 Muhovc 324 337 444 730 48 48 46
21 Manastir 364 580 779 1295 52 81 106
22 Mirosal 792 909 1037 1712 107 115 130
23 Nikadin 622 862 1026 1080 111 150 137
24 Neredime e Eperme 1219 1267 1641 2255 236 239 297
25 Neredime e Poshtme 750 945 1302 1943 121 149 207
26 Papaz 315 336 397 655 50 42 66
27 Pleshin 1416 2035 2877 5177 232 298 424
28 Pojat 407 595 720 1156 70 76 88
29 Prelez i Jerlive 941 1046 1242 2008 143 177 175
30 Prelez i Muhaxhirve 446 576 685 859 71 72 52
31 Rahovice 877 576 685 859 101 119 108
32 Rakaj 164 302 583 959 34 38 57
33 Sazli 582 597 716 1136 86 84 91
34 Slivov 633 806 1138 1859 107 120 143
35 Softaj 279 354 366 540 53 50 59
36 Sojev 729 906 1155 1907 122 126 177
37 Surrqin 230 312 386 644 37 38 47
38 Fshati Vjeter 250 393 679 1037 50 62 99
39 Talinovc i Jerlive 387 505 727 665 61 57 79
40 Talinovc i Muhaxhirve 653 878 1133 1386 110 143 122
41 Terrn 625 716 799 1273 88 93 102
42 Varosh 1257 1541 2035 3200 216 229 267
43 Zaskok 886 1070 1281 1924 147 170 188
44 Zllatar 685 856 1084 1801 98 109 122



  1. Ferizaj 1873–1944/Ibrahim Hyseni (Goga) page 17,18; chapter II
  2. Ferizaj 1873–1944/Ibrahim Hyseni (Goga) page 41, 32; chapter III
  4. Shtjefën Kurti
  5. Albanian National Democratic Movement
  6. Ferizaj 1873–1944/Ibrahim Hyseni (Goga) page 49, 50; chapter V
  7. Ferizaj 1873–1944/Ibrahim Hyseni (Goga) page 53,54; chapter VI
  8. Ferizaj 1873–1944/Ibrahim Hyseni (Goga) page 68, 69; chapter VIII
  9. Ferizaj 1873–1944/Ibrahim Hyseni (Goga) page 70; chapter IX
  10. Aplikimi i GIS-it ne qeshtjet urbane Ferizaj lagjeja Qendra-Adnan Hashani/Prishtine 2006
  11. rekos2011, Te dhenat demografike sipas komunes, February 23, 2014
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