Denis Chachkhalia

Denis Kirshalovich Chachkhalia (Abkhaz: Денис Кьыршьал-ипа Чачхалиа; Russian: Денис Киршалович Чачхалиа;Born 21 August 1950, in Tkuarchal, Abkhazia) — writer, historian, translator. Was born in the family of Abkhazian poet Kirshal Chachkhalia. In 1973 he graduated from the Literary Institute at the Writer’s Union of the USSR in Moscow. He was working as a correspondent in the newspaper «Soviet Abkhazia», literary consultant of the writers union of Abkhazia. In 1970s published Collected Poems «Behind the horizon line», «Two heavens», «Ralationship extent». In the beginning of 1980s prose works saw the light, they were included in the collected stories and drama «the lonely alder’s ford». Several stories were published in foreign languages. There are translations of Russian (Alexander Pushkin, Sergei Yesenin, Alexander Blok, Anna Akhmatova, Marina Tsvetaeva) and German (Heine,Goethe, Schiller) poetry to Abkhazian. The poems of Abkhazian poets Dmitry Gulia, Iyua Kogonia, Bagrat Shinkuba, Kirshal Chachkhalia, Anatoly Adzhindzhal, Taif Adzhba, Gennady Alamia, Rushbey Smir, translated into Russian, were published in Moscow, Leningrad, Suchum. In 1984—1989 he lectured at the Literary Institute in Moscow, leading the seminar on translation of Abkhazian poetry and prose. Then he established and headed Literary fond of writers union of Republic of Abkhazia in Suckhum.
Currently — vice-chairman of the board of the Writers Union of Republic of Abkhazia for foreign affairs. Since 1990s lives and works in Moscow, where he published books «Abkhazian Orthodox Church. Chronicle. Additions.» (1977), «Abkhazian Tsars Chronicle» (2002). Under the editorship of Chachkhalia were published books in series «Abkhazia in original sources» : Karla Serena «Traveling along Abkhazia» (1997), F. Bodenshtedt «Along major and minor Abkhazia. About Chercesia» (2002) etc.
- "The Adyghe (cherkess) encyclopedia". M., 2006.