Dernière Volonté

Dernière Volonté
Origin France
Genres Martial industrial, military pop Coldwave
Members Geoffroy D

Dernière Volonté (Last Will, in English) is the name under which French musician Geoffroy D writes his own music. Throughout an 'industrial' early period, Geoffroy tended to write a fusion of martial music and dark ambient. Choosing to focus on atmosphere, militaristic rhythms, and historical samples, he left little emphasis to be placed on vocals and melody. However, with the release of his 2003 effort, Les Blessures de l'Ombre, Geoffroy took a new direction, applying his martial style to verse-chorus song structures and pop melodies. In 2008, Geoffroy started an electronic side-project called Position Parallèle which fused together EBM with minimal wave style sounds. This led to a more distinctly synthpop sound being carried over into his work as Dernière Volonté as well. His latest release, Prie Pour Moi (2016), has shifted his sound toward more neofolk instrumentation with less emphasis on synthesizers. A new Position Parallèle album, titled En Garde à Vue, is currently set to be released in 2016.

Geoffroy is featured as a guest artist on the Der Blutharsch albums, with Novy Svet and with the Antifa band Die Krupps. The band still plays occasional live shows.


Studio albums


Singles & EPs

Side Projects

External links

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