Dialogues (Gilles Deleuze)


Cover of the first edition
Author Gilles Deleuze and Claire Parnet
Original title Dialogues
Translator Hugh Tomlinson and Barbara Habberjam
Country France
Language French
Subject Philosophy
  • 1977 (Flammarion, in French)
  • 1987 (The Athlone Press, in English)
Pages 176 (Columbia University Press edition, 2007)
ISBN 978-0231141352

Dialogues (French: Dialogues) is a 1977 book in which Gilles Deleuze examines his philosophical pluralism in a series of discussions with Claire Parnet. It is widely read as an accessible and personable introduction to Deleuze's philosophy along with Negotiations. The book contains an exposition of Deleuze's concepts and methodologies in which he thinks of newer ways to liberate life.

The book has been translated into English by Hugh Tomlinson and Barbara Habberjam.

The Continumm and Columbia University Press editions have the brief essay "The Actual and the Virtual" in which Deleuze outlines an ontology of the virtual.


Further reading

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