Digital Satellite Broadcasting Corporation

Digital Satellite Broadcasting Corporation was one of four companies bidding for Satellite Digital Audio Radio Service, or SDARS, licenses in the United States. The service would have been a listener-supported subscription digital audio service.


1990: Sirius Satellite Radio, known then as Satellite CD Radio, Inc., proposes the concept of a satellite-delivered digital radio service to the Federal Communications Commission.

1995 January: The FCC sets aside 50 MHz (2310 MHz through 2360 MHz) in the S-band for Satellite Digital Audio Radio Service, also known as SDARS and now commonly known as Satellite Radio.[1]

1997 April: American Mobile Satellite Corporation and Satellite CD Radio, Inc. are each awarded SDARS licenses. The companies eventually become known XM Satellite Radio and Sirius Satellite Radio, respectively. Primosphere Limited Partnership and Digital Satellite Broadcasting Corporation are denied licenses by becoming third and fourth lowest bidders, respectively, during the auction.

2001 September 25: XM Satellite Radio officially launches.

2002 July 1: Sirius Satellite Radio officially launches.


See also

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