Dimitri Tavadze

Dimitri Tavadze
დიმიტრი თავაძე (Georgian)

Born February 6, 1911
Village Tkhilagani, Russian Empire, Kutaisi Governorate
Died March 6, 1990 (79 years old)
Tbilisi, Georgian Soviet Socialist Republic
Nationality Georgia (country) Georgian
Known for Scenic design

Dimitri Tavadze (Georgian: დიმიტრი თავაძე; February 6, 1911 – March 6, 1990) was a Georgian artist and Scenographer.


Dimitri Tavadze and Mikheil Tumanishvili

Dimitri Tavadze was born on February 6, 1911 in the village Tkhilagani, Kutaisi governorate, which, back at the time, was the part of the Russian empire. In 1926, he graduated from the secondary school of Kutaisi. During his apprenticeship, he took up drawing lessons together with Petre Otskheli at the art studio under the guidance of Vano Tcheishvili. In 1926, D. Tavadze entered Tbilisi State Academy of Arts majoring in painting (Teachers – Ioseb Sharleman, Gigo Gabashvili, Evgeni Lansere).

1954; Play – The Spanish Curate (Caricature; Stored at Rustaveli Theater Museum)

Starting 1927 Tavadze began working at the Shota Rustaveli State Academic Theatre, first as an assistant producer (1927–1930), soon after as an artist (1930–1948). Subsequently, he was appointed to the position of the chief artist (1948–1976). In 1932, 21-year-old D. Tavadze made his artistic debut at the Rustaveli Theatre (O. Samsonidze's play "The Hoop" – directed by Sandro Akhmeteli and Shota Aghsabadze). In 1933, he made his first artistic appearance outside of Georgia– of Shakespeare's "Othello") in Azerbaijan's Kirovabad Theatre.

In 1933, the painter Lado Gudiashvili dedicated a complimentary letter to Tavadze: "Dimitri Tavadze, a young artists was distinguished for consciousness and discretion; he, from the beginning owned the mystery of painting only feasible for rather experienced painters" ("The Soviet Art" Georgian: "საბჭოთა ხელოვნება" – 1933, № 16).

Within the limits of half a century, Tavadze managed to illustrate over 150 plays in 20 different theaters. He collaborated with such renowned directors as Sandro Akhmeteli, Dimitri Aleksidze, Mikheil Tumanishvili, Robert Sturua, Irina Molostova etc.

1933; Sandro Akhmeteli (Caricature)

The majority of D. Tavadze's projects were staged at the Rustaveli Theatre (57 plays). Fletcher's comedy "The Spanish Curate" and Pavel Kohout's play "Such Love" won special recognition and success.

Tavadze's very last project was "Do not Abandon the Fire, Prometheus" (Kirovabad – 1983).

Dimitri Tavadze died on March 6, 1990 in Tbilisi.

Awards granted: "Honored Art worker" (1950), "Laureate of the State Prize" (1951), "People's Painter of Georgia" (1967).

Starting 1933, Tavadze participated in a number of exhibitions. His works were displayed numerous times in Tbilisi, as well as in Moscow (1937, 1956, 1957, 1958, 1967, 1971, 1979); In Leningrad (1937); In São Paulo (1967); In German Democratic Republic (1968).

Personal Exhibitions: Tbilisi (1964, 1975 ["Shakespeareana"], 1982); Moscow (1971).

Tavadze's works are preserved in Bakhrushin Theatre Museum, Moscow; National Pushkin Museum, Saint Petersburg; Georgian State Museum of Theatre, Music, Cinema and Choreography, Tbilisi; Museum of Rustaveli Theatre; Also, some works are preserved in various theatres and in private collections all around the world – Georgia, Germany, England, the Netherlands, and Russia.

People's Painter of Georgia, Laureate of the State Prize Dimitri Tavadze for more than 50 years has fruitfully worked in the sphere of theatre-painting and has made a valuable contribution to it. For years D. Tavadze has designed a lot of plays in our republic as well as in various theatres of the USSR. However, for the most part his work was connected with the Rustaveli State Drama Theatre of Tbilisi.

D. Tavadze was among the first graduates of the Tbilisi Academy of Arts. He graduated in 1930 but began his work at the Rustaveli Theatre while being a student. First, he worked in a design workshop then as an assistant to the director and from 1930 he became a designer.

The artistic formation of a young painter was greatly influenced by innovations that distinguished the Georgian theatre of the 1920s, namely the theatre-painting. They were realized in the theatre by an outstanding Georgian director – Sandro Akhmeteli.

The quests for the new forms of expression called for new solutions. The theatrical peculiarities which implied a conventional character of the scenery became the main problem in the sphere of theatre-painting. Collaboration with S. Akhmeteli was very important for a beginning painter, mainly from the viewpoint of the theatrical peculiarities and the understanding of the conventional features of the theatre.

D. Tavadze's works of the 1930s are decided in the form of space-volume constructions built on a moving stage space that defines quick changing of the scene.

The first performance designed by D. Tavadze on the stage of the Rustaveli Theatre was the play "The Hoop" (1932-33 season, directed by S. Akhmeteli and Sh. Aghsabadze). The permanent element of the scenery was a moving decorative device of a complicated configuration. Its curved contour and acting sites paced on different heights conventionally implied the mountainous surfaces of the West Georgia. The general conventional character of the scenery was combined with the real forms of a separate characteristic motif: the front part of a cottage in Imereti, a suspension bridge, a maize barn. Generally, a West Georgian village with its characteristic features was extremely popular in the works of that period (S. Kldiashvili "The Autumn Gentry" after D. Kldiashvili's works, 1936, directed by K. Pataridze).

In his works of 1930s D. Tavadze appeared as a designer with his own individual style. We can see that here pictorial tendencies became stronger and they are rich in the illusionary display of space on the stage. Such approach was connected with the general direction in the development of stage-design of the 1930s. The main importance in the artistic design of the performance was attached to the representation of the outside world on the stage in real forms.

Such artistic approach was firmly established in the theatre from the 1940s, and went on in the 1950s as well.

The problem of space was solved with the illusionary views expressed by pictorial means together with real forms of the attributes of action. The use of pictorial and built scenery lay in the basis of D. Tavadze's works of that time: S. Kldiashvili, "The Generation of the Heroes" (1936-37 season, directed by K. Pataridze); I. Mosashvili, "The Sunk Stones" (1949, directed by Ak. Vasadze). In his scenery and costumes the painter expressed convincingly the whole store of attributes and properties characteristic to that epoch and environment. A perfect knowledge of the stage peculiarities and technical possibilities helped D. Tavadze to subject the exact display of acting place and environment to the impression of general theatricality: G. Mdivani, "Alkazar" (1937, directed by D. Aleksidze); C. Goldoni, "Servant of Two Masters" (1946, directed by D. Aleksidze).

Considering the generic peculiarities of the performance is very characteristic of D. Tavadze. Satirical aspect of the plays are accentuated in the scenery and costumes for I. Vakeli's "A Busy Man" (1956, directed by M. Tumanishvili) and P. Kakabadze's "Kvarkvare Tutaberi" (1959, directed by D. Aleksidze). But as for the heroic-romantic productions, here the painter solves the scenery in monumental forms. In the viewpoint of effective vision, architecture shown in bold foreshortening creates a corresponding environment for the plays: A. Pushkin, "Boris Godunov" (1957, directed by D. Aleksidze); L. Kiacheli "Tariel Golua" (1955, directed by M. Tumanishvili); Al. Apkhaidze "The Aragvians" (1958, directed by A. Chkhartishvili); etc.

From the middle of the 1950s we can notice a vivid change in stage design. Deep and close understanding of the theatrical peculiarities and, hence the use of conventional solutions became essentially necessary in directing, of course, according to the features of the theatre.

The epoch-making production designed by D. Tavadze is J. Fletcher, "The Spanish Curate" (1954, directed by M. Tumanishvili), in which the solution of the director and designer's work blended into a single theatrical performance. On the stage we can see a whole compact space-volume construction. It is erected on the moving circle. This construction implies a lot of acting sites and gives a wide space for the actors to play. The designer didn't intend to depict the epoch exactly in his scenery. The buildings erected on the stage in general forms display a provincial Spanish town with its characteristic features. Light buildings, a smaller scale underline conventional atmosphere of the performance and present suitable environment for comedy.

Laconic and in some way strict scenery in the drama P. Kohout's "Such Love" (1959, directed by M. Tumanishvili) widens the psychological acuteness of the play.

The director and the designer used cinema projection in this play and in "The Sea Children" by G. Khukhashvili (1961); in the backstage we can see on the screens quickly changing separate views and pictures – sequences. These performances in which cinema means were used to express the dynamic rhythm of modern life are worth mentioning as an experiment of the synthesis between theatre and cinema arts. This experiment was one among those tendencies which were characteristic of the theatre of our epoch.

Shakespearean drama holds an important place in D. Tavadze's works. In the 1960-70s he made sketches for Shakespeare tragedies: "Macbeth" (1963), "Othello" (Two versions; one of them was directed in the Kirovabad State Theatre by I. Bagirov), "Romeo and Juliet", "King Lear", "Hamlet" (the 1970s), "Richard III" (1979-80 season, the Kirovabad State Theatre, directed by I. Bagirov). Laconic language of expression determines general monumental character of the design that is underlined by color solution based on the contrast of vast planes in three main colors.

The works of the last decade organically continue the line of development which was outlined distinctly in the 1950-60s. Stage design of the productions is based on the conventional placing of action, but, at the same time, we feel real background in the scenery. The reserved use of the properties and attributes help to underline the idea and character of the play.

D. Tavadze as a designer is characterized by the deep knowledge of stage peculiarities, professional use of theatre-decorative means; he can subject artistic design to the genre of the production – be it a classical tragedy, a psychological drama, a tale, a comedy, etc.

D. Tavadze's creative work is closely connected with the development and achievements of the Georgian scenography

Natela Aladashvili, '"Dimitri Tavadze"'


Shota Rustaveli State Academic Theatre

1932 - P. Samsonidze – "The Hoop" (Georgian: "სალტე"). Dir.: Sandro Akhmeteli, Shota Aghsabadze

1933 - G. Shatberashvili – "The Enemy" (Georgian: "დუშმანი"). Dir.: Sandro Akhmeteli, Shota Aghsabadze

1936 - S. Kldiashvili – "The Autumn Gentry" (Georgian: "შემოდგომის აზნაურები"). Dir.: Kukuri Pataridze

1937 - G. Mdivani – "Alkazar" (Georgian: "ალკაზარი"). Dir.: Dimitri Aleksidze

S. Kldiashvili – "The Generation of the Heroes" (Georgian: "გმირთა თაობა"). Dir.: Kukuri Pataridze

1938 - G. Mdivani – "The Motherland" (Georgian: "სამშობლო"). Dir.: Dimitri Aleksidze

1939 - S. Mtvaradze – "Upon the Mountain Range" (Georgian: "მთაგრეხილზე"). Dir.: Dimitri Aleksidze

1940 - S. Kldiashvili – "The Widow of an Earl" (Georgian: "გრაფის ქვრივი"). Dir.: Dimitri Aleksidze

1941 - S. Kldiashvili – "The Last Knight" (Georgian: "უკანასკნელი რაინდი"). Dir.: Akaki Vasadze

F. Wolf"Professor Mamlock". Dir.: Dimitri Aleksidze

1946 - C. Goldoni – "Servant of Two Masters" (Italian: "Il servitore di due padroni"). Dir.: Dimitri Aleksidze

G. Berdzenishvili – "Beginning of the End" (Georgian: "დასასრულის დასაწყისი"). Dir.: Akaki Vasadze, Sergo Chelidze
B. Chirskov – "The Winners" (Russian: "Победители"). Dir.: Sergo Chelidze

1947 - Ar. d'Usseau and J. Gow – "Deep Are the Roots". Dir.: Dimitri Aleksidze

N. Pogodin – "The Man with a Rifle" (Russian: "Человек с ружьём"). Dir.: Akaki Vasadze
O. Goldsmith – "She Stoops to Conquer". Dir.: Shota Meskhi

1948 - S. Dolidze, G. Berdzenishvili – "The Aerie" (Georgian: "არწივის ბუდე"). Dir.: Akaki Vasadze

W. Shakespeare – "Othello". Dir.: Akaki Vasadze, Shota Aghsabadze
V. Mass, M. Chervinsky – "To Friends, to Comrade" (Russian: "О друзьях-товарищах"). Dir.: Shota Meskhi

1949 - I. Mosashvili – "The Sunk Stones" (Georgian: "ჩაძირული ქვები"). Dir.: Akaki Vasadze

V. Pataraia – "Ucha Uchardia" (Georgian: "უჩა უჩარდია"). Dir.: Akaki Vasadze
V. Karsanidze – "Evergreen Ridges" (Georgian: "მარად მწვანე ქედები"). Dir.: Mikheil Tumanishvili
K. Simonov – "Alien shadow" (Russian: "Чужая тень"). Dir.: Dimitri Aleksidze

1950 - Sh. Dadiani – "Out of Sparks" (Georgian: "ნაპერწკლიდან"). Dir.: Akaki Vasadze

V. Vishnevski – "Unforgettable 1919" (Russian: "Незабываемый 1919-й"). Dir.: Micheil Tumanishvili

1951 - G. Mdivani – "People of Goodwill" (Georgian: "კეთილი ნების ადამიანები"). Dir.: Shota Meskhi

1952 - P. Kakabadze – "The Forge of Happiness" (Georgian: "ბედნიერი სამჭედლო"). Dir.: Akaki Vasadze

D. Kldiashvili – "The Adversity of Darispan" (Georgian: "დარისპანის გასაჭირი"). Dir.: Akaki Vasadze
N. Gogol – "The Gamblers" (Georgian: "Игроки"). Dir.: Akaki Dvalishvili
I. Vakeli – "The Steel" (Georgian: "რვალი"). Dir.: Shota Meskhi
I. Chavchavadze, G. Berdzenishvili – "The Widow of Otar" (Georgian: "ოთარაანთ ქვრივი"). Dir.: Akaki Vasadze

1953 - A. Sumbatashvili-Yuzhin – "The Betrayal" (Russian: "Измена"). Dir.: Akaki Khorava

1954 - I. Dubois – "Haiti". Dir.: Akaki Vasadze, Mikheil Tumanishvili

V. Kandelaki – "The Weed" (Georgian: "სარეველა"). Dir.: Akaki Dvalishvili
J. Fletcher and Ph. Massinger – "The Spanish Curate". Dir.: Mikheil Tumanishvili

1955 - L. Kiacheli – "Tariel Golua" (Georgian: "ტარიელ გოლუა"). Dir.: Mikheil Tumanishvili

1956 - I. Vakeli – "A Busy Man" (Georgian: "საქმიანი კაცი"). Dir.: Mikheil Tumanishvili

1957 - A. Pushkin"Boris Godunov" (Russian: "Борис Годунов"). Dir.: Dimitri Aleksidze

1958 - G. Sevastikoglu – "Angela". Dir.: Leila Varsimashvili, Otar Zautashvili

Al. Apkhaidze – "The Aragvians" (Georgian: "არაგველები"). Dir.: Archil Chkhartishvili

1959 - P. Kakabadze – "Kvarkvare Tutaberi" (Georgian: "ყვარყვარე თუთაბერი"). Dir.: Dimitri Aleksidze

P. Kohout – "Such Love" (Czech: "Taková láska"). Dir.: Mikheil Tumanishvili
V. Kandelaki – "Once Dead" (Georgian: "ერთხელ დახოცილები"). Dir.: Archil Chkhartishvili

1960 - A. Arbuzov – "The Irkutsk Story" (Russian: "Иркутская история"). Dir.: Mikheil Tumanishvili

K. Senderbiu – "The Revolt of Women". Dir.: Mikheil Tumanishvili

1961 - V. Kandelaki – "The Lights of Kartli" (Georgian: "ქართლის ჩირაღდნები"). Dir: Dodo Antadze

G. Khukhashvili – "The Sea Children" (Georgian: "ზღვის შვილები"). Dir.: Mikheil Tumanishvili

1962 - L. Sanikidze – "The Kutaisians" (Georgian: "ქუთათურები"). Dir: Dodo Antadze

C. Goldoni – "The Mistress of the Inn" (Italian: "La locandiera"). Dir.: Mikheil Tumanishvili
O. Ioseliani – "Once a Person is Born" (Georgian: "ადამიანი იბადება ერთხელ"). Dir.: Dimitri Aleksidze

1963 - W. Gibson"The Miracle Worker". Dir.: Sandro Mrevlishvili

V. Rozov – "Before Dinner" (Russian: "Перед ужином"). Dir.: Robert Sturua

1964 - W. Shakespeare – "A Midsummer Night's Dream". Dir.: Mikheil Tumanishvili

1965 - I. L. Caragiale – "The Lost Letter" (Romanian: "O scrisoare pierdută"). Dir.: Merab Jaliashvili

N. Aziani – "The Last Masquerade" (Georgian: "უკანასკნელი მასკარადი"). Dir.: Gizo Jordania

1967 - L. Kiacheli – "Gvadi Bigva" (Georgian: "გვადი ბიგვა"). Dir.: Mikheil Tumanishvili

1969 - O. Ioseliani – "Until the Ox-Cart Turns Over" (Georgian: "სანამ ურემი გადაბრუნდება"). Dir.: Mikheil Tumanishvili, Carlo Sakandelidze

Not implemented settings

1930 - P. Samsonidze – "Director" (Georgian: "დირექტორი")
1931 - I. Kantaria – "Cholipa" (Georgian: "ჭოლიფა")
1933 - I. Kantaria – "Berikaoba" (Georgian: "ბერიკაობა")
1946 - G. Eristavi – "Separation" (Georgian: "გაყრა")
1952 - A. Lipovsky – "Mayakovsky" (Russian: "Революцией призванный")
1959 - P. Kakabadze – "Kvarkvare Tutaberi" (Georgian: "ყვარყვარე თუთაბერი"; Not implemented version)

Marjanishvili State Academic Drama Theatre

1958 - R. Tabukashvili – "The Secretary of the Regional Committee" (Georgian: "რაიკომის მდივანი"). Dir.: Lili Ioseliani

M. Baratashvili – "Marine" (Georgian: "მარინე"). Dir.: Leo Shatberashvili, Giga Lortkipanidze

Tbilisi Griboedov State Academic Russian Drama Theatre

1957 - S. Shanshiashvili – "The Mountain Law" (Georgian: "მთის კანონი"). Dir.: Dodo Antadze

1961 - O. Chidjavadze – "A Lucky Loser" (Georgian: "ბედნიერი უიღბლო"). Dir.: Abram Rubin

Gr. Abashidze – "A Journey into Three Epochs" (Georgian: "მოგზაურობა სამ დროში"). Dir.: Abram Rubin

1964 - L. Chubabria, K. Chavchanidze – "The First Step" (Georgian: "პირველი ნაბიჯი"). Dir.: Konstantin Surmava

1965 - K. Buachidze – "Story of Love" (Georgian: "ამბავი სიყვარულისა"). Dir.: Abram Rubin

M. Mrevlishvili – "Destiny of the Poet" (Georgian: "პოეტის ბედი"). Dir.: Abram Rubin
K. Buachidze – "Remember our Youth" (Georgian: "გავიხსენოთ ჩვენი ახალგაზრდობა"). Dir.: Archil Gomiashvili

1966 - G. Mdivani – "Your Uncle Misha" (Georgian: "შენი ძია მიშა"). Dir.: Sergo Chelidze

1969 - V. Ejov – "Night of the Nightingale" (Russian: "Соловьиная ночь"). Dir.: Sergo Chelidze

Tbilisi Vaso Abashidze Music and Drama State Theatre

1949 - V. Cagareishvili – "Arsen Odzelashvili" (Georgian: "არსენა ოძელაშვილი"). Dir.: Boris Gamrekeli

1950 - Fr. Lehár – "The Merry Widow" (German: "Die lustige Witwe"). Dir.: Dude Dzneladze

G. Cabadze – "The Love Song" (Georgian: "სიმღერა სიყვარულზე"). Dir.: Boris Gamrekeli
R. Lagidze – "Friends" (Georgian: "მეგობრები"). Dir.: Dude Dzneladze
N. Gudiashvili – "Meeting at the Cottage" (Georgian: "შეხვედრა აგარაკზე"). Dir.: Boris Gamrekeli

1951 - G. Cabadze – "A bright Future" (Georgian: "ბრწყინვალე მომავალი"). Dir.: Boris Gamrekeli

V. Cagareishvili – "The Queen of Tsani" (Georgian: "ცანის დედოფალი"). Dir.: Dude Dzneladze
Sh. Milorava – "Once in Spring" (Georgian: "ერთხელ გაზაფხულზე"). Dir.: Ioseb Kutateladze
N. Gudiashvili – "Gift" (Georgian: "საჩუქარი"). Dir.: Boris Gamrekeli

1956 - I. Jarkovsky – "Love Knot". Dir.: Shota Meskhi

A. Kereselidze – "Three Brides" (Georgian: "სამი პატარძალი"). Dir.: Boris Gamrekeli

1957 - Sh. Milorava – "Dali" (Georgian: "დალი"). Dir.: Boris Gamrekeli

Sh. Azmaiparashvili – "The desirable Groom" (Georgian: "ნანატრი საქმრო"). Dir.: Shota Meskhi
R. Lagidze – "Komble" (Georgian: "კომბლე"). Dir.: Boris Gamrekeli

1958 - G. Kakhiani – "Bastard" (Georgian: "ნაბიჭვარი"). Dir.: Shota Meskhi

1960 - A. Kereselidze – "Arriving from the Moon" (Georgian: "მთვარიდან ჩამოფრენა"). Dir.: Shota Meskhi

Sh. Milorava – "Strange Guests" (Georgian: "უცნაური სტუმრები"). Dir.: Boris Gamrekeli

1966 - Sh. Azmaiparashvili – "It will never be the same again" (Georgian: "რაც გინახავს ვეღარ ნახავ"). Dir.: Leri Paksashvili

1967 - A. Shaverzashvili – "Nino" (Georgian: "ნინო"). Dir.: Shota Meskhi

1968 - Sh. Milorava – "The Fatal Operation" (Georgian: "საბედისწერო ოპერაცია"). Dir.: Shota Meskhi

Tbilisi Vano Saradjishvili Conservatoire Opera Studio

1951 - Z. Paliashvili"Abesalom and Eteri" (Georgian: "აბესალომ და ეთერი"). Dir.: Shota Aghsabadze

1952 - S. Rachmaninoff"Aleko" (Russian: "Алеко"). Dir.: Shota Aghsabadze

N. Rimsky-Korsakov – "The Noblewoman Vera Sheloga" (Russian: "Боярыня Вера Шелога"). Dir.: Shota Aghsabadze

1953 - P. Tchaikovsky"Eugene Onegin" (Russian: "Евгений Онегин"). Dir.: Archil Chkhartishvili

Ch. Gounod"Romeo and Juliet". Dir.: Shota Aghsabadze

1954 - G. Rossini – "The Barber of Seville" (Italian: "Il barbiere di Siviglia"). Dir.: Shota Aghsabadze

1957 - G. Verdi – "La traviata". Dir.: Shota Aghsabadze

1959 - R. Gabichvadze – "Nana" (Georgian: "ნანა"). Dir.: Shota Aghsabadze

Tbilisi Nodar Dumbadze Professional State Youth Theatre

1937 - G. Berdzenishvili – "In the Mountains of Adjara" (Georgian: "აჭარის მთებში"). Dir.: Boris Gamrekeli

E. Schwarz – "Red Riding Hood". Dir.: Aleksandr Takaishvili

1938 - G. Nakhucrishvili – "The Line of Fire" (Georgian: "ცეცხლის ხაზზე"). Dir.: Aleksandr Takaishvili

B. Gamrekeli – "Hero" (Georgian: "გმირი"). Dir.: Boris Gamrekeli
Molière"Scapin's Deceits" (French: "Les Fourberies de Scapin"). Dir.: Aleksandr Takaishvili
V. Balaban – "Green Valley". Dir.: Giorgi Darispanashvili

1939 - A. Tsereteli – "Patara Kakhi" (Georgian: "პატარა კახი"). Dir.: Aleksandr Takaishvili

1940 - K. Gogodze – "Kadjana" (Georgian: "ქაჯანა"). Dir.: Giorgi Darispanashvili

1941 - G. Nakhucrishvili – "Achakune" (Georgian: "აჩაკუნე"). Dir.: Aleksandr Takaishvili

Sh. Kutshava – "Blue Carpet" (Georgian: "ცისფერი ხალიჩა"). Dir.: Giorgi Jordania

1950 - G. Gogichaishvili – "Bright Path" (Georgian: "ნათელი გზა"). Dir.: Otar Aleksishvili

1952 - G. Berdzenishvili – "Old Wound" (Georgian: "ძველი ჭრილობა"). Dir.: Otar Aleksishvili

1953 - S. Mtvaradze – "Surami Fortress" (Georgian: "სურამის ციხე"). Dir.: Aleksandr Takaishvili

1954 - E. L. Voinitsh – "The Gadfly". Dir.: Iuri Kakulia

1956 - G. Nakhucrishvili – "Little Warriors" (Georgian: "პატარა მეომრები"). Dir.: Revaz Tsharkhalashvili

1963 - V. Kataev – "A White Sail Gleams" (Russian: "Белеет парус одинокий"). Dir.: Shalva Gatserelia

1964 - W. Shakespeare – "Twelfth Night". Dir.: Sergo Chelidze

1965 - A. Chkhaidze – "When Childhood Ends" (Georgian: "როცა მთავრდება ბავშვობა"). Dir.: Shalva Gatserelia

Tbilisi Youth Russian Theatre

1970 - A. Kuznetsov – "The Moscow Holidays" (Russian: "Московские каникулы"). Dir. Abram Rubin

Tbilisi Petros Adamian State Armenian Drama Theatre

1956 - M. Mrevlishvili – "Avalanche" (Georgian: "ზვავი"). Dir.: Ferdinand Bjikyan

Kutaisi Lado Meskhishvili State Drama Theatre

1956 - M. Japaridze – "Fellow Countryman" (Georgian: "ჩვენებურები"). Dir.: Akaki Vasadze

1958 - A. Sumbatashvili-Yuzhin – "The Betrayal" (Russian: "Измена"). Dir.: Akaki Vasadze

Dumanoir and A. d'Ennery – "Don César de Bazan". Dir.: Tamaz Meskhi

1959 - K. Lortkipanidze – "The Dawn of Colchis" (Georgian: "კოლხეთის ცისკარი"). Dir.: Akaki Vasadze

1960 - V. Daraseli – "Kikvidze" (Georgian: "კიკვიძე"). Dir.: Akaki Vasadze

D. Kldiashvili – "Irina’s Happiness" (Georgian: "ირინეს ბედნიერება"). Dir.: Akaki Vasadze
L. Sanikidze – "The Kutaisians" (Georgian: "ქუთათურები"). Dir.: Akaki Vasadze
P. Kakabadze – "The Farmer's Wedding" (Georgian: "კოლმეურნის ქორწინება"). Dir.: Akaki Vasadze, Tamaz Meskhi

1962 - G. Mdivani – "Millions of Guga and Gigo" (Georgian: "გუგასა და გიგოს მილიონები"). Dir.: Tamaz Meskhi

P. Kakabadze – "The Wheel of Life" (Georgian: "ცხოვრების ჯარა"). Dir.: Akaki Vasadze
G. Taktakishvili – "A White Bat" (Georgian: "თეთრი ღამურა"). Dir.: Tamaz Meskhi

1963 - M. Japaridze – "Bughara" (Georgian: "ბუღარა"). Dir.: Otar Aleksishvili

1965 - Sh. Dadiani – "Yesterday's People" (Georgian: "გუშინდელნი"). Dir.: Akaki Vasadze

Batumi Ilia Chavchavadze State Drama Theatre

1937 - G. Mdivani – "The Blind" (Georgian: "ბრმა"). Dir.: Dimitri Aleksidze

1938 - S. Mtvaradze – "Tevrath" (Georgian: "თევრათ"). Dir.: Archil Chkhartishvili

S. Shanshiashvili – "Arsena" (Georgian: "არსენა"). Dir.: Archil Chkhartishvili
P. Kakabadze – "The Farmer's Wedding" (Georgian: "კოლმეურნის ქორწინება"). Dir.: Archil Chkhartishvili

1953 - G. Mdivani – "Bagration" (Georgian: "ბაგრატიონი"). Dir.: Shota Meskhi

M. Mrevlishvili – "Baratashvili" (Georgian: "ბარათაშვილი"). Dir.: Shota Meskhi

1954 - H. Fast – "Freedom Road". Dir.: Shota Meskhi

Gori Giorgi Eristavi State Drama Theatre

1963 - L. Milorava – "Curved Staircase" (Georgian: "მრუდე კიბე"). Dir.: Giorgi Abramishvili

1970 - G. Nakhucrishvili – "Ali Baba". Dir.: Otar Aleksishvili

Chiatura Akaki Tsereteli State Drama Theatre

1966 - G. Nakhicrishvili – "Shaithan Khikho" (Georgian: "შაითან ხიხო"). Dir.: Otar Aleksishvili

1970 - A. Getsadze – "Saba Sulkhan" (Georgian: "საბა სულხანი"). Dir.: Vladimer Modebadze

1974 - G. Nakhucrishvili – "Komble" (Georgian: "კომბლე"). Dir.: Solomon Kipshidze

1975 - L. Kiacheli – "Tariel Golua" (Georgian: "ტარიელ გოლუა"). Dir.: Solomon Kipshidze

1976 - Lope de Vega – "The Gardener's Dog" (Spanish: "El perro del Hortelano"). Dir.: Solomon Kipshidze

Molière – "The Doctor in Spite of Himself" (French: "Le Médecin malgré lui"). Dir.: Solomon Kipshidze

Meskheti State Drama Theatre

1971 - P. Kakabadze – "The Farmer's Wedding" (Georgian: "კოლმეურნის ქორწინება"). Dir.: Alexandr Mikeladze

Tskhinvali Kosta Khetagurov State Drama Theatre

1968 - Sophocles – "Oedipus the King" (Ancient Greek: "Οἰδίπους Τύραννος"). Dir.: Archil Chkhartishvili

Moscow Pushkin Drama Theatre

1955 - G. Kelbakiani – "The Young Teacher" (Georgian: "ახალგაზრდა მასწავლებელი"). Dir.: Dimitri Aleksidze

Kiev Lesya Ukrainka National Academic Theatre of Russian Drama

1954 - M. Baratashvili – "Dragonfly" (Georgian: "ჭრიჭინა"). Dir.: Irina Molostova

Azerbaijan State Academic Drama Theatre

1972 - N. Dumbadze – "Do not worry, Mom" (Georgian: "ნუ გეშინია, დედა"). Dir.: Agakishi Kazimov

1977 - N. Hikmet – "The Legend of Love". Dir.: Alesker Sharifov

Kirovabad Jafar Jabbarly Theatre

1933 - W. Shakespeare – "Otello". Dir.: Shota Agsabadze

1968 - N. Mamedov – "Tariel". Dir.: Yusuf Bagirov

1972 - W. Shakespeare – "Otello". Dir.: Yusuf Bagirov

1973 - A. Mamedov – "When the Stars are Meeting". Dir.: Yusuf Bagirov

1976 - Sophocles – "Antigone". Dir.: Yusuf Bagirov

1980 - W. Shakespeare – "Richard III". Dir.: Yusuf Bagirov

1983 - M. Karim - "Do not Break the fire, Prometheus!". Dir.: Yusuf Bagirov

Avar Music and Drama Theatre

1960 - K. Zakaryaev, M. Daudov – "Along the Mountain Roads". Dir.: Archil Chkhartishvili

R. Gamzatov – "The Mountain Girl". Dir.: Archil Chkhartishvili

Georgian State Television 1-st Channel

1978 - D. Kldiashvili – "Adversity of Darispan" (Georgian: "დარისპანის გასაჭირი"). Dir.: Micheil Tumanishvili


1963 - W. Shakespeare – "Macbeth"

1965 - W. Shakespeare – "Otello"

1970 - W. Shakespeare – "King Lear"

1974 - W. Shakespeare – "Hamlet"

W. Shakespeare – "Julius Caesar"
W. Shakespeare – "Romeo and Juliet"

1985 - H. Ibsen – "Peer Gynt"



  1. Georgian Soviet Encyclopedia (Georgian: ქართული საბჭოთა ენციკლოპედია), volume 4, p. 562;
  2. Natela Aladashvili. Monograph: "Dimitri Tavadze". Georgian theatrical Society; 1986;
  3. Елена Луцкая – „Гордость грузинского народа“; „Литературная Грузия“ – 1967 № 7;
  4. "АртРу.инфо - Персоны - Тавадзе Дмитрий Матвеевич". artru.info. Retrieved 2014-06-07. 
  5. "Тавадзе Дмитрий. Костюмы.". dunya.az. Retrieved 2014-06-15. 

External links

Media related to Works of Dimitri Tavadze at Wikimedia Commons

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