Dini Cabinet

Dini Cabinet
In office
17 January 1995  17 May 1996
(486 days)
Preceded by Berlusconi I Cabinet
Succeeded by Prodi I Cabinet

The Dini Cabinet was the 52nd cabinet of the Italian Republic, and the second and last cabinet of the XII Legislature. It held office from 17 January 1995 to 17 May 1996, a total of 486 days, or 1 year and 4 months. It was the Italian Republic's first Government of Experts, entirely composed of experts and officials from outside Parliament.[1]

Composition of the Government: Technocracy[1]

The cabinet obtained the confidence of the House of Deputies on 25 January 1995 with 302 votes in favour, 39 against and 270 abstentions.[2] It also obtained the confidence of the Senate on 1 February 1995 with 191 votes in favour, 17 against and 2 abstentions.[3]

It was collapsed on 11 January 1996.[4]

President of the Council of Ministers

Lamberto Dini

Secretary to the President of the Council of Ministers

Lamberto Cardia with responsibility for sport

Ministers without portfolio

The Urban Area of Rome, and Year 2000 Jubilee

Family and Social Services

Civil Service and Regional Affairs

Civil Protection

Institutional Reform

Relations with Parliament

Tourism and Entertainment


Foreign Affairs

Minister Susanna Agnelli
Secretary Walter Cardini, Emanuele Sciamacca del Murgo e dell'Agnone until'11/01/96, Ludovico Incisa di Camerana from 26/02/96


Minister Antonio Brancaccio until 08/06/95
Giovanni Rinaldo Coronas from 08/06/95
Secretary Luigi Rossi, Corrado Scivoletto, Francesco Caramazza

Grace and Justice

Minister Filippo Mancuso until 19/10/95
Lamberto Dini interim until 16/02/96
Vincenzo Caianiello from 16/02/96
Secretary Donato Marra, Edilberto Ricciardi

Budget and Economic Programme

Minister Rainer Masera until 12/01/96
Augusto Fantozzi interim until 16/02/96
Mario Arcelli from 16/02/96
Secretary Alberto Carzaniga, Giorgio Ratti


Minister Augusto Fantozzi
Secretary Franco Caleffi, Giuseppe Vegas (until' 08/03/95), Emesto Vozzi (froml' 08/03/95)


Minister Lamberto Dini, ad interim
Secretary Dino Pietro Giarda, Carlo Pace, Giuseppe Vegas (from 07/03/95)


Minister Domenico Corcione
Secretary Stefano Silvestri, Carlo Maria Santoro

Public Instruction

Minister Giancarlo Lombardi
Secretary Luciano Corradini, Eteldreda Porzio Serravalle

Public Works

Minister Paolo Baratta
Secretaries Paolo Stella Richter, Lucio Testa

The Environment

Minister Paolo Baratta Ad interim
Secretary Emilio Gerelli

Agricultural Resources, Food and Forestry

Minister Walter Luchetti
Secretaries Vito Bianco, Mario Prestamburgo

Transport and Navigation

Minister Giovanni Caravale
Secretaries Carlo Chimenti, Giovanni Puoti

Post and Telecommunications

Minister Agostino Gambino
Secretary Alessandro Frova

Industry, Commerce and Craft

Minister Alberto Clò
Secretaries Giovanni Zanetti, Luigi Mastrobuono (from 07/03/95)

Foreign Trade

Minister Alberto Clò Ad interim
Secretary Mario D'Urso


Minister Elio Guzzanti
Secretary Mario Condorelli

Labour and Social Security

Minister Tiziano Treu
Secretaries Franco Liso, Nicola Scalzini (until 07/03/95), Matilde Grassi (from 07/03/95)

Culture and the Environment

Minister Antonio Paolucci
Secretary Mario D'Addio (until 07/03/95), Carla Guiducci Bonanni (from 07/03/95)

University, Scientific Research and Technology

Minister Giorgio Salvini
Secretary Sergio Barabaschi


  1. 1 2 "Introduzione alla XII Legislatura". senato.it.
  2. Camera dei Deputati - XII Legislatura - Seduta n. 127
  3. Senato della Repubblica - XII Legislatura - Seduta n. 113
  4. Camera dei Deputati - XII Legislatura - Seduta n. 311

See also

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