
In Greek mythology, Cerambus, son of Euseiros (himself son of Poseidon) and the nymph Eidothea, was a survivor of Deucalion's flood: he was said to have been raised above the water by the nymphs, thus escaping death.[1] He dwelt at Mount Othrys and owned a large herd of cattle.

Cerambus was renowned as the greatest singer of his times: he was credited with inventing the shepherd's pipes, as well as with introducing lyre-playing and composing a number of delightful songs. This was why the nymphs of Mount Othrys favored him, and even became visible to him as he was playing his lyre. The honors, however, made Cerambus arrogant to the point of insanity: when Pan advised him to drive his cattle down to the plain, due to an extremely severe winter being expected, Cerambus wouldn't listen down to him. Moreover, he told insulting tales of the nymphs, claiming that they descended not from Zeus, but from Spercheus and Deino, and that when Poseidon fell for one of the nymphs, Diopatra, he changed her sisters into poplar trees but restored their original shape after satisfying his desires. The nymphs were scorned and transformed Cerambus into a wood-gnawing beetle Cerambyx; his cattle was gone when the winter struck.[2]

See also


  1. Ovid, Metamorphoses, 7. 353 - 356
  2. Antoninus Liberalis, Metamorphoses, 22
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