Discovery Program

Not to be confused with Space Shuttle Discovery.
The Discovery Program's latest mission, Mars InSight lander, has its parachute tested

NASA's Discovery Program (as compared to New Frontiers or Flagship Programs) is a series of lower-cost, highly focused American scientific space missions that are exploring the Solar System. It was founded in 1992 to implement then-NASA Administrator Daniel S. Goldin's vision of "faster, better, cheaper" planetary missions. Discovery missions differ from traditional NASA missions where targets and objectives are pre-specified. Instead, these cost-capped missions are proposed and led by a scientist called the Principal Investigator (PI). Proposing teams may include people from industry, small businesses, government laboratories, and universities. Proposals are selected through a competitive peer review process. All of the completed Discovery missions are accomplishing ground-breaking science and adding significantly to the body of knowledge about the Solar System.

NASA also accepts proposals for competitively selected Discovery Program Missions of Opportunity. This provides opportunities to participate in non-NASA missions by providing funding for a science instrument or hardware components of a science instrument or to re-purpose an existing NASA spacecraft. These opportunities are currently offered through NASA's Stand Alone Mission of Opportunity program.


In 1989, the Solar System Exploration Division (SSED) at NASA Headquarters initiated a series of workshops to define a new strategy for exploration through the year 2000. The panels included a Small Mission Program Group (SMPG) that was chartered to devise a rationale for missions that would be low cost and allow focused scientific questions to be addressed in a relatively short time.[1] A fast-paced study for a potential mission was requested and funding arrangements were made in 1990. The new program was called 'Discovery' and the panel assessed a number of concepts that could be implemented as low-cost programs, with 'Near Earth Asteroid Rendezvous' (NEAR) as the first mission to be implemented.[1] On February 17, 1996, NEAR became the first mission to launch in the Discovery Program.[1] The Mars Pathfinder launched on December 4, 1996, demonstrated a number of innovative, economical, and highly effective approaches to spacecraft and planetary mission design such as the inflated air bags that allowed the Sojourner rover to endure the landing.[1]


Standalone missions

Asteroid 253 Mathilde
Mars Pathfinder's view
Animation of the rotation of 433 Eros.
MESSENGER imaging Mercury's surface hollows at Sholem Aleichem.[4]
Insight lander in assembly (April 2015, NASA)

Missions of opportunity

This provides opportunities to participate in non-NASA missions by providing funding for a science instrument or hardware components of a science instrument, or specific extended mission for spacecraft that may different from its original purpose. Some examples include: M3, EPOXI, EPOCH, DIXI, and NEXT.

Nucleus of Comet Hartley 2

Examples of proposals

Possible configuration of a lunar sample return spacecraft
Mercury by Discovery's MESSENGER

However often the funding comes in, there is a selection process with perhaps 2 dozen concepts. These sometimes get further matured and re-proposed in another selection or program.[19] An example of this is Suess-Urey Mission, which was passed over in favor of the successful Stardust mission, but was eventually flown as Genesis,[19] while a more extensive mission similar to INSIDE was flown as Juno in the New Frontiers program. Some of these concepts went on to become actual missions, or similar concepts were eventually realized in another mission class. This list is a mix of previous and current proposals.

Additional examples of Discovery-class mission proposals include:

Mars focused
Mars Geyser Hopper would investigate 'spider' features on Mars, as imaged by an orbiter. Image size: 1 km (0.62 mi) across.
Lunar focused
The Venus Multiprobe Mission involved sending 16 atmospheric probes into Venus in 1999.[49]
Venus focused

Selection process

The first two Discovery missions were Mars Pathfinder and Near Earth Asteroid Rendezvous (Shoemaker)

Discovery 3 selection

In February 1995 Lunar Prospector, a lunar orbiter mission, was selected for launch.[60] NASA decided it was mature enough it could go directly to development without a final selection, which left three other missions to undergo a further selection later in 1995.[60] Those three missions were Stardust, Suess-Urey, and Venus Multiprobe.[60] There were 28 proposals submitted to NASA in October 1994.[60] The announcement of opportunity was in August 1994.[60]

A full list of proposals was released by NASA for this selection:[60]

  1. ASTER- Asteroid Earth Return
  2. Comet Nucleus Penetrator
  3. Comet Nucleus Tour (CONTOUR)
  4. Cometary Coma Chemical Composition (C4)
  5. Diana (Lunar & Cometary Mission)
  6. FRESIP-A mission to Find the Frequency of Earth-sized Inner Planets
  7. Hermes Global Orbiter (Mercury Orbiter)
  8. Icy Moon Mission (Lunar Orbiter)
  9. Interlune-One (Lunar Rovers)[61]
  10. Jovian Integrated Synoptic Telescope (IO Torus investigation)
  11. Lunar Discovery Orbiter [62]
  12. Lunar Prospector (Lunar Orbiter) (Chosen in February 1995 for Discovery 3)
  13. Mainbelt Asteroid Exploration/Rendezvous
  14. Mars Aerial Platform (Atmospheric)
  15. Mars Polar Pathfinder (Polar Lander)
  16. Mars Upper Atmosphere Dynamics, Energetics and Evolution
  17. Mercury Polar Flyby
  18. Near Earth Asteroid Returned Sample
  19. Origin of Asteroids, Comets and Life on Earth
  20. PELE: A Lunar Mission to Study Planetary Volcanism
  21. Planetary Research Telescope
  22. Rendezvous with a Comet Nucleus (RECON)
  23. Suess-Urey (Solar Wind Sample Return) (Discovery 4 semi-finalist)
  24. Small Missions to Asteroids and Comets
  25. Stardust (Cometary/Interstellar Dust Return) (Discovery 4 semi-finalist, chosen in the fall of 1995 for selection)
  26. Venus Composition Probe (Atmospheric)
  27. Venus Environmental Satellite (Atmospheric)
  28. Venus Multi-Probe Mission (Atmospheric)[63] (Discovery 4 semi-finalist)

Lunar prospector was selected in early 1995 and Stardust later that year, becoming the third and fourth Discovery missions respectively.

Discovery 4 selection

Stardust succeeded. Comet Wild 2 shown here

Stardust, a comet sample return mission was selected in November 1995 over two other finalists, Venus Multiprobe and Suess-Urey.[64] These three mission were selected of 28 proposals submitted in October 1994.[64] Stardust planned to use an aerogel to capture particles of Comet Wild 2 and return them to Earth.[64]

Discovery 5 and 6 selection

In October 1997, NASA selected Genesis and Contour as the next discovery missions, out of 34 proposals that were submitted in December 1996.[65] The four previously selected missions at this time were NEAR, Pathfinder, Lunar prospector, and Stardust.

The five finalists were:[66]

Discovery 7 and 8 selection

Deep Impact nails a comet nucleus

In July 1999, NASA selected Messenger and Deep Impact as the next Discovery program missions.[67] Messenger would be the first Mercury orbiter and mission to that planet since Mariner 10, and the Deep Impact would send a projectile into the Comet P/Tempel 1.[67] Both mission would target a launch in late 2004 and cost constraint of about 300 million USD.[67]

In 1998 five semi-finalists were selected to receive $375,000 USD to further develop their design.[68] The five proposals were selected out of perhaps 30 with the goal of achieving the best science.[68] Those missions were:[68]

Aladdin and Messenger were also semi-finalists in the 1997 selection.[68]

Discovery 9 and 10 selection

Scale comparison of Vesta, Ceres, and Earth's moon
Kepler spacecraft art

In December 2001 NASA selected the Kepler mission for launch.[69] At this time only 80 exoplanets had been detected, and that was part of the mission of Kepler, to look for more exoplanets especially an Earth-sized one.[69] Kepler became the tenth Discovery mission selected for flight.[70] Also in December 2001, the Dawn mission to asteroids Vesta and Ceres was selected.[71] Both missions were initially selected for a launch in 2006.[71]

The past Discovery missions are NEAR Shoemaker, Mars Pathfinder and Lunar Prospector, all of which successfully completed their missions. Stardust and Genesis are in space; both have begun collecting science data, although Stardust has not yet arrived at its target comet. CONTOUR is scheduled to launch next summer, Deep Impact in January 2004 and MESSENGER in March 2004. ASPERA-3 and NetLander are Discovery Missions-of-Opportunity that are under development.
— Status of the Discovery Program at the end of 2001.[69]

NASA selected Dawn and Kepler out of 26 proposals, and their budged initially targeted about 300 million USD.[71] The semi-finalists were selected in January 2001 and included three missions: Dawn, Kepler, and INSIDE Jupiter.[72] INSIDE Jupiter was similar to a later New Frontier's mission called Juno. The Discovery fell on hard-times after this, several mission experienced cost-over runs and one mission blew up trying to leave Earth orbit. Although both Dawn and Kepler would become widely praised success stories, they missed their somewhat ambitious 2006 launch target, launching in 2007 and 2009 respectively. Kepler would go onto receive a four-year mission extension, and Dawn likewise successfully orbited both Vesta and Ceres in the 2010s. Nevertheless, the next selection would take longer than previous as the program selection of new missions slowed down. As the successes of the new missions polished the image of Discovery program, the difficulties began to fade from the limelight. Also, the number of active missions in development or active began to increase as the program ramped up.

The three semi-finalists received 450,000 thousand USD to further study the mission proposal.[73]

Discovery 11 selection

In November 2007 NASA selected the GRAIL mission as the next discovery mission, with a goal of mapping Lunar gravity and 2011 launch.[74] There was 23 other proposals that were also under consideration.[74] The mission had budget of $375 million USD (then-year dollars) which included construction and also the launch.[74]

The announcement of opportunity for this Discovery mission was released in April 2006.[75] There were three semi-finalists for this Discovery selection including GRAIL (which won), OSIRIS, and VESPER.[76] OSIRIS was very similar to the later OSIRIS-REx mission, an asteroid sample return mission to 101955 Bennu, and Vesper, a Venus orbiter mission.[76] A previous proposal of Vesper had also been a semi-finalist in the 1998 round of selection.[76] The three finalists were announced in October 2006 and awarded 1.2 million USD to further develop there propoals for the final round.[77] Three missions of opportunity which were selected for study were EPOXI, EPOCH, and DIXI.[77] Some concurrent events to this period was that the ESA Venus Express successfully entered Venus orbit in the Spring of 2006 and also Hayabusa achieved rendezvous with a small asteroid.

Discovery 12 selection

This was an especially tough selection, coming on the heels of a successful Mars rover landing and the termination of the Mars Scout program (parent program of Phoenix and MAVEN), it meant that the proposals to the very popular red-planet competed with more obscure destinations. On the other hand, Titan had just been landed on by Huygens and Comets were getting the full-treatment by the flagship-class ESA Rosetta mission. The Advanced Stirling radioisotope generator was later cancelled.

Out of 28 proposals from 2010,[78] Insight was one of the three Discovery Program finalists receiving US$3 million in May 2011 to develop a detailed concept study.[79] In August 2012, InSight was selected for development and launch.[15]

Huygens in situ image from Titan's surface
Same image with contrast enhanced.

The three semi-finalists:

According to the BBC, of the 28 first round mission proposals, 3 were for the Moon, 4 for Mars, 7 for Venus, 1 Jupiter, 1 to a Jupiter Trojan, 2 to Saturn, 7 to asteroids, and 3 to Comets.[80]

Future mission

Discovery Mission 13

NASA made the NEXT ion thruster technology available for this Discovery Program mission.[81]

On 30 September 2015, NASA selected five mission concepts for refinement during the next year, as a first step in choosing one or possibly two of the missions for development in 2016.[82]

Each mission received $3 million for a one-year study. The winner will be chosen around September 2016,[83] and must be ready to launch by the end of 2021.[84][85]

The five semifinalists are:[86]

Concept art of Veritas orbiter at Venus

The budget is planned to be 450 million USD, but there is some special technology and bonuses available beyond this.[88]

For example, a mission that includes the Laser communication and atomic clock could boost its budget to 485 (450+30+5) million, but it does not have to include these technologies.

Selection process

In February 2014, NASA released a Discovery Program 'Draft Announcement of Opportunity' for launch readiness date of December 31, 2021.[89] As with previous Discovery missions such as Dawn, solar electric propulsion may allow increased mission options if applicable.[90] Technologies may include the NEXT ion thruster,[91] laser communication,[84] and/or re-entry technology.[81] The main mission is budgeted for up to 450 million USD, with various conditions but also bonuses.[81][92] For the first time, the $450 million cost cap will not include post-launch operations expenses.[93]

The final requirements were changed later in 2014.[94] In regard to the laser communication package: it is not required, but if included, could grant an additional 30 million USD bonus on top of the existing budget.[94] That feature is the "Deep Space Optical Communications payload", and involves sending data with lasers beyond one lunar distance (distance from Earth to the Moon).[95] The deadline for proposals was February 16, 2015 and may have included some of the following mission candidates:[93][96]

Saturn system
Jupiter system
Mars system
Asteroid, comet, and lunar proposals


Discovery Program
Mars Pathfinder
Lunar Prospector
Deep Impact
Kepler Observatory

Mission insignias

This section includes an image of most of the Discovery missions' patches or logos where available, as well as the launch year

Discovery Program
Mars Pathfinder
Lunar Prospector
Deep Impact
Kepler Observatory


This section includes an image of most of the Discovery missions' rockets, as well as the launch year

Discovery Program
Mars Pathfinder
Lunar Prospector
Deep Impact
Kepler Observatory

See also


  1. 1 2 3 4 5 "A Look Back at the Beginning: How the Discovery Program Came to Be" (PDF). NASA. 2010. Archived (PDF) from the original on 2011-03-01.
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  115. ↑ "Kuiper : A Discovery-Class Observatory for Outer Solar System Giant Planets, Satellites, & Small Bodies" (PDF). Retrieved 2016-01-11.

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