Disk Expert
Disk Expert is a shareware disk usage analysis, reporting and processing utility for Mac OS X.[1]
Disk Expert scans the volumes of hard drive[2] and visually displays the disk space usage as a sunburst diagram.[3] The utility discovers the bulkiest content [4] and generates a list of the 25 largest files on the scanned volume.[5] The user can manage the disk content by picking up files into the special list [6] from which he can copy or move them to other drives or even to the Trash.
Also it allows the user to use Apple's Quick Look to display the file's content, as well as reveal file in Finder.
Since Apple release more and more Macs with SSD by default, like the MacBook Air,
it makes sense for Mac users to seek ways to optimize the way they use disk space.
Disk Expert was designed to solve the Mac disk space analyzing and management tasks as additional tool to embedded Mac OS tools.[8]
Disk Expert was released on Dec 24, 2011.[9]
Its developers based on idea of a visual approach to monitoring and analyzing the disk space usage.[10]
With solid state drives becoming the norm, keeping Macís disk clean is vital for user to ensuring there are enough space for important applications and projects .[11]
See also