
A dissonant is a dissonant note in music theory of consonance and dissonance. One of the early composers known for use of dissonants was Monteverdi.[1] The use of dissonants was also practiced by Moscheles[2] and taught by Chopin.[3]


  1. ↑ Karel Philippus Bernet Kempers, M. G. Bakker Italian opera 1949 Page 14 "His use of dissonants was in contradiction to all known rules; his melodies showed unheard-of intervals; he even neglected the rules of counterpoint, secure in his conviction that the new subjective art form needed a new means of expression."
  2. ↑ The Harmonicon: A Journal of Music Volume 4 1826- Page 349 "It however appears, that Mr. Moscheles, according to the most esteemed writers and the rules of composition, is perfectly justified in writing it D flat. The D flat is here a diminished 7th, which, though a dissonant, is not necessarily resolved in all cases."
  3. ↑ Jean-Jacques Eigeldinger, Roy Howat, Naomi Shohet Chopin: Pianist and Teacher: As Seen by His Pupils 1988 Page 42 0521367093 "Musical prosody and declamation; phrasing - Here are the chief practical directions as to expression which Chopin often repeated to his pupils: A long note is stronger, as is also a high note. A dissonant is likewise stronger, and equally so a syncopated note. The ending of a phrase, before a comma, or a stop, is always weak. If the melody ascends, one plays crescendo, if it descends, decrescendo. Moreover, notice must be taken of natural accents."
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