
In category theory, a branch of mathematics, profunctors are a generalization of relations and also of bimodules. They are related to the notion of correspondences.


A profunctor (also named distributor by the French school and module by the Sydney school) \,\phi from a category C to a category D, written

\phi \colon C\nrightarrow D,

is defined to be a functor

\phi \colon D^{\mathrm{op}}\times C\to\mathbf{Set}

where D^\mathrm{op} denotes the opposite category of D and \mathbf{Set} denotes the category of sets. Given morphisms  f\colon d\to d', g\colon c\to c' respectively in  D, C and an element  x\in\phi(d',c), we write xf\in \phi(d,c), gx\in\phi(d',c') to denote the actions.

Using the cartesian closure of \mathbf{Cat}, the category of small categories, the profunctor \phi can be seen as a functor

\hat{\phi} \colon C\to\hat{D}

where \hat{D} denotes the category \mathrm{Set}^{D^\mathrm{op}} of presheaves over D.

A correspondence from  C to  D is a profunctor  D\nrightarrow C.

Composition of profunctors

The composite \psi\phi of two profunctors

\phi\colon C\nrightarrow D and \psi\colon D\nrightarrow E

is given by


where \mathrm{Lan}_{Y_D}(\hat{\psi}) is the left Kan extension of the functor \hat{\psi} along the Yoneda functor Y_D \colon D\to\hat D of D (which to every object d of D associates the functor D(-,d) \colon D^{\mathrm{op}}\to\mathrm{Set}).

It can be shown that

(\psi\phi)(e,c)=\left(\coprod_{d\in D}\psi(e,d)\times\phi(d,c)\right)\Bigg/\sim

where \sim is the least equivalence relation such that (y',x')\sim(y,x) whenever there exists a morphism v in D such that

y'=vy \in\psi(e,d') and x'v=x \in\phi(d,c).

The bicategory of profunctors

Composition of profunctors is associative only up to isomorphism (because the product is not strictly associative in Set). The best one can hope is therefore to build a bicategory Prof whose


Lifting functors to profunctors

A functor F \colon C\to D can be seen as a profunctor \phi_F \colon C\nrightarrow D by postcomposing with the Yoneda functor:

\phi_F=Y_D\circ F.

It can be shown that such a profunctor \phi_F has a right adjoint. Moreover, this is a characterization: a profunctor \phi \colon C\nrightarrow D has a right adjoint if and only if \hat\phi \colon C\to\hat D factors through the Cauchy completion of D, i.e. there exists a functor F \colon C\to D such that \hat\phi=Y_D\circ F.


See also

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