Djinn (comics)


Cover of Djinn, Volume 3: Le Tatouage
Publication information
Publisher Dargaud
Format Ongoing graphic novel series
    Publication date 2001-present
    Number of issues 10 volumes
    Creative team
    Writer(s) Jean Dufaux
    Artist(s) Ana Mirallès

    Djinn is a Franco-Belgian comics series written by Jean Dufaux and illustrated by Ana Mirallès. The story is an adult adventure-thriller and deals with themes of sexuality and colonial politics.

    The first four volumes make up the "Ottoman Cycle" while the following five comprise the "Africa Cycle". The "Indian Cycle", planned for four volumes, started 2010 with the volume "Le Pavillon des Plaisirs".


    A young Englishwoman, Kim Nelson, travels to Istanbul in search of information about her grandmother Jade. In the years before World War I, Jade had been the favourite of the "Black Sultan", and ordered by him to seduce an English diplomat, Lord Nelson, in order to alter Turkey's influence in European politics. Kim's story and that of her grandmother are revealed in tandem, in a Europe where sexual and political allegiances are constantly shifting.

    Main characters in the Ottoman cycle




    1. La Favorite (2001, Ottoman Cycle 1)
    2. Les 30 clochettes (2002, Ottoman Cycle 2)
    3. Le Tatouage (2003, Ottoman Cycle 3)
    4. Le Trésor (2004, Ottoman Cycle 4)
    5. Africa (2005, African Cycle 1)
    6. La Perle noire (2006, African Cycle 2)
    7. Pipiktu (2007, African Cycle 3)
    8. Fièvres (2008, African Cycle 4)
    9. Le roi gorille (2009, African Cycle 5)
    10. Le Pavillon des Plaisirs (2010, Indian Cycle 1)
    1. Ce qui est caché (2004, Art Album for the Ottoman Cycle)
    2. Notes sur Africa (2009, Art Album for the African Cycle)

    Notes and references

    1. Note: Actually Mehmed V Reşad reigned from 1909 to 1918. He was succeeded by Mehmed VI, who was the last of the Ottoman dynasty.
    This article is issued from Wikipedia - version of the Friday, November 20, 2015. The text is available under the Creative Commons Attribution/Share Alike but additional terms may apply for the media files.