Docking (dog)

This article is about docking of dogs' tails. For other animals, see Docking (animal). For other uses, see Docking (disambiguation).
Boxers with docked tails. The dog in front also has cropped ears.

Docking is the removal of portions of an animal's tail. While docking and bobbing are more commonly used to refer to removal of the tail, the term cropping[1] is used in reference to the ears. Tail docking occurs in one of two ways. The first involves constricting the blood supply to the tail with a rubber ligature for a few days until the tail falls off. The second involves the severance of the tail with surgical scissors or a scalpel.[2] The length to which tails are docked varies by breed, and is often specified in the breed standard.

At least 170 dog breeds have naturally occurring bob tail lines. These appear similar to docked dogs but are a distinct naturally occurring phenotype.



Historically, tail docking was thought to prevent rabies, strengthen the back, increase the animal's speed, and prevent injuries when ratting, fighting, and baiting.[2] In early Georgian times in the United Kingdom a tax was levied upon working dogs with tails, so many types of dog were docked to avoid this tax.[2] The tax was repealed in 1796 but that did not stop the practice from persisting.

Tail docking is done in modern times either for prophylactic, therapeutic, or cosmetic purposes. For dogs that work in the field, such as some hunting dogs and herding dogs, tails can collect burrs and foxtails, causing pain and infection and, due to the tail's wagging, may be subject to abrasion or other injury while moving through dense brush or thickets.

Modern practice

Docking of puppies younger than 10 to 14 days old is routinely carried out by both breeders and veterinarians without anesthesia.[3] Opponents of these procedures state that most tail dockings are done for aesthetic reasons rather than health concerns and are unnecessarily painful for the dog. They point out that even non-working show or pet dogs are routinely docked. As a result, tail defects that docking proponents claim makes docking necessary in the first place are perpetuated in the breeds. They point to the many breeds of working dogs with long tails that are not traditionally docked, including English Pointers, Setters, Herding dogs, and Foxhounds.


Robert Wansborough argued in a 1996 paper[4] that docking tails puts dogs at a disadvantage in several ways. First, dogs use their tails to communicate with other dogs (and with people); a dog without a tail might be significantly handicapped in conveying fear, caution, aggression, playfulness, and so on.

Certain breeds use their tails as rudders when swimming, and possibly for balance when running, so active dogs with docked tails might be at a disadvantage compared to their tailed peers. In 2007, Stephen Leaver, a graduate student at the University of Victoria, published a paper on tail docking which found that tail length was important in the transmission of social cues. The study found that dogs with shorter tails (docked tails) would be approached with caution, as if the approaching dog was unsure of the emotional state of the docked dog. The study goes on to suggest that dogs with docked tails may grow up to be more aggressive. The reasoning postulated by Tom Reimchen, UVic Biologist and supervisor of the study, was that dogs who grew up without being able to efficiently transmit social cues would grow up to be more anti-social and thus more aggressive.[5]

Wansborough also investigated seven years of records from an urban veterinary practice to demonstrate that undocked tails result in less harm than docked tails.

Influence of kennel clubs

Critics point out that kennel clubs with breed standards that do not make allowance for uncropped or undocked dogs put pressure on owners and breeders to continue the practice. Although the American Kennel Club (AKC) says that it has no rules that require docking or that make undocked animals ineligible for the show ring,[6] standards for many breeds put undocked animals at a disadvantage for the conformation show ring. The American breed standard for boxers, for example, recommends that an undocked tail be "severely penalized."[7]

The AKC position is that ear cropping and tail docking are "acceptable practices integral to defining and preserving breed character and/or enhancing good health,"[8] even though the practice is currently opposed by the American Veterinary Medical Association.[9]

Legal status

Today, many countries ban cropping and docking because they consider the practices unnecessary, painful, cruel or mutilation. In Europe, the cropping of ears is prohibited in all countries that have ratified the European Convention for the Protection of Pet Animals. Some countries that ratified the convention made exceptions for tail docking.

United Kingdom

Show dogs are no longer docked in the United Kingdom. A dog docked before 28 March 2007 in Wales and 6 April 2007 in England may continue to be shown at all shows in England, Wales, Scotland and Northern Ireland throughout its life. A dog docked on, or after, the above dates, regardless of where it was docked, may not be shown at shows in England and Wales where the public is charged a fee for admission. Where a working dog has been docked in England and Wales under the respective regulations, however, it may be shown where the public is charged a fee, so long as it is shown “only to demonstrate its working ability”. It will thus be necessary to show working dogs in such a way as to demonstrate their working ability and not conformity to a standard. A dog legally docked in England, Wales, Northern Ireland, or abroad may be shown at any show in Scotland or Northern Ireland.

In England and Wales, ear cropping is illegal, and no dog with cropped ears can take part in any Kennel Club event (including agility and other non-conformation events). Tail docking is also illegal, except for a few working breeds; this exemption applies only when carried out by a registered veterinary surgeon.

The Royal College of Veterinary Surgeons (RCVS), the regulatory body for veterinary surgeons in the United Kingdom, has stated they consider tail docking to be "an unjustified mutilation and unethical unless done for therapeutic or acceptable prophylactic reasons". In 1995 a veterinary surgeon was brought before the RCVS disciplinary council for "disgraceful professional conduct" for carrying out cosmetic docking. The surgeon claimed that the docking was performed to prevent future injuries, and the case was dismissed for lack of evidence otherwise. Although cosmetic docking is still considered unacceptable by the RCVS, no further disciplinary action has been taken against vets performing docking.

The Animal Welfare Act 2006 makes the docking of dogs' tails a criminal offence, except for working dogs such as those used by the police force, the military, rescue services, pest control, and those used in connection with lawful animal shooting. Three options were presented to Parliament in March 2006 with Parliament opting for the second:

Those convicted of unlawful docking are liable to a fine of up to £20,000, up to 51 weeks of imprisonment or both.

In Northern Ireland legislation known as Welfare of Animals Act (Northern Ireland) 2011made Tail Docking Illegal except for certain working dogs. .[10]

In Scotland docking of any breed is illegal. The Animal Health and Welfare (Scotland) Act 2006 contains provisions prohibiting the mutilation of domesticated animals.

Legal status of dog tail docking and ear cropping by country

  Restricted (can only be performed by a vet)
  Ear cropping banned, tail docking permitted or restricted
  Banned for cosmetic purposes
  Banned/Banned with few exceptions
Country Status Ban/restriction date
(if applicable)
 Afghanistan Unrestricted
 Argentina Unrestricted
 Australia Banned in all states and territories.[11] June 2004 (East)
16 March 2010 (WA)
 Austria Banned 1 January 2005
 Belgium Banned 1 January 2006
 Bolivia Unrestricted
 Brazil Banned for cosmetic purposes
 Bosnia and Herzegovina Restricted: Can only be done by a vet
 Canada Canada has no federal law banning pet cosmetic surgery. The Canadian Veterinary Medical Association opposes all cosmetic practices.[12] Two provinces have provincial legislation against tail docking, ear cropping, and most cosmetic surgeries:

Three provincial veterinary associations have bans on their veterinarians performing tail docking, ear cropping, and most cosmetic surgeries:

  • Since 2008 by the New Brunswick Veterinary Medical Association (NBVMA)[15]
  • Since 2010 by the Nova Scotia Veterinary Medical Association (NSVMA)[16]
  • To take effect first of January 2017, a total ban on cosmetic surgery, by the Ordre des médecins vétérinaires du Québec (OMVQ)[17]

Three Provincial veterinary associations with ear cropping bans are open to a future ban of tail docking:

 Chile Unrestricted
 Colombia Banned
 Costa Rica Unrestricted
 Croatia Banned
 Cyprus Banned 1991[24]
 Czech Republic Ear cropping banned, tail docking unrestricted
 Denmark Banned, with exceptions for five gun dog breeds 1 June 1996
 Egypt Unrestricted
 England Ear cropping banned in 1899. Tail docking restricted since 2007, can only be done by a vet on certain working dog breeds.[25][26] 2006
 Estonia Banned 2001
 Finland Banned 1 July 1996[27]
 France Tail docking is unrestricted (France opted out of the rule regarding docking when it ratified the European Convention for the Protection of Pet Animals)[28] Any other surgery for aesthetic purposes (such as ear cropping) is banned since 2009[29]
 Germany Banned, with exceptions for working gun dogs.[2] 1 May 1998
 Greece Banned 1991[24]
 Hungary Unrestricted
 Iceland Banned 2001
 India Unrestricted, from Madras High Court ruling (WP № 1750/2012)
 Indonesia Unrestricted
 Iran Unrestricted — tail docking and ear trimming are still taught in veterinary faculties in Iran
 Ireland Banned 7 March 2014
 Israel Banned for cosmetic purposes.[2] 2000
 Italy Banned
 Japan Unrestricted[30]
 Kuwait Unrestricted
 Latvia Banned
 Lebanon Unrestricted
 Lithuania Banned
 Luxembourg Banned 1991[24]
 Malaysia Unrestricted
 Morocco Unrestricted: Morocco has no animal protection laws
 Mauritius Unrestricted
 Mexico Unrestricted
   Nepal Unrestricted
 Netherlands Banned 1 September 2001
 New Zealand Cropping ears is banned, docking tails is restricted to those trained and acting under an approved quality assurance programme in puppies less than four days old.[31]
 Northern Ireland Ear cropping illegal. Tail docking restricted since 2013, can only be done by a vet on certain working dog breeds.[32]
 Norway Banned 1987
 Peru Unrestricted
 Philippines Unrestricted
 Portugal Cropping ears is banned. Docking tails is allowed, as long as it's performed by a veterinarian. 2001
 Poland Banned 1997
 Russia Restricted
 Scotland Banned 2006
 Slovakia Banned 1 January 2003
 Slovenia Banned[33] April 2007
 South Africa The South African Veterinary Council has banned veterinarians from performing this procedure (unless for medical purposes). Ear cropping is also banned. 1 June 2008
 Spain Banned in some autonomies
 Sri Lanka Unrestricted
 Sweden Banned 1989
  Switzerland Banned 1 July 1981 (ears)
1988 (tails)[2]
 Taiwan Unrestricted
 Thailand Unrestricted
 Tunisia Unrestricted
 Turkey Banned 24 June 2004[34]
 United States Unrestricted. Some states, including New York,[35] and Vermont have considered bills to make the practice illegal.
 Virgin Islands, British Banned 2005
 Wales Restricted: can only be done by vet on a number of working dog breeds 2006

See also


  1. "Ear Cropping - What You Need To Know About Ear Cropping". Puppy's Place.
  2. 1 2 3 4 5 6 A review of the scientific aspects and veterinary opinions relating to tail docking in dogs
  3. "DEFRA - CDB Submission".
  4. Wansborough, Robert (1 July 1996). "Cosmetic tail docking of dogs tails". Australian Veterinary Journal. Archived from the original on 16 November 2007. Retrieved 2007-12-31.
  6. faq American Kennel Club
  7. Boxer Breed Standard American Kennel Club
  8. Ear Cropping, Tail Docking and Dewclaw Removal American Kennel Club Canine Legislation Position Statements
  10. Clover, Charles (5 April 2007). "Neglectful dog owners could face prosecution". The Daily Telegraph (London). Retrieved 2007-12-30.
  11. "Tail docking illegal in Australia". RSPCA Australia. 3 August 2010. Archived from the original on 13 December 2007. Retrieved 2012-01-18.
  13. "Ear cropping, tail docking not allowed under P.E.I. animal welfare act". The Guardian. 16 November 2015. Retrieved 19 March 2016.
  15. "No more nip and tuck for show dogs: N.B. vets". Canadian Broadcasting Corporation (CBC). 3 October 2008. Retrieved 19 March 2016.
  16. "N.S veterinarians ban tail docking". CBC News - Nova Scotia. Canadian Broadcasting Corporation. 25 March 2010. Retrieved 19 March 2016.
  17. "Quebec's order of veterinarians bans pet cosmetic surgery". CBC News - Montreal. Canadian Broadcasting Corporation. 6 February 2016. Retrieved 19 March 2016.
  20. "Cosmetic ear cropping banned by B.C. veterinarians". CBC News - British Columbia. Canadian Broadcasting Corporation. 28 October 2015. Retrieved 19 March 2016.
  21. "Ear cropping of dogs banned in Manitoba". CBC News - Manitoba. Canadian Broadcasting Corporation (CBC). 10 February 2012. Retrieved 19 March 2016.
  24. 1 2 3 WSAVA Tail Docking Position Statement
  25. "Mutilations and tail docking of dogs". Department for Environment, Food and Rural Affairs. Archived from the original on 31 July 2009. Retrieved 25 March 2015. The docking of dogs' tails has been banned in England since 6 April 2007. There are exemptions from the ban for certain types of working dog, or where docking is performed for medical treatment.
  26. Explanatory memorandum to the docking of working dogs' tails (England) regulation 2007
  27. "Eläinsuojelulaki 247/1996 - Ajantasainen lainsäädäntö - FINLEX ®".
  28. "Cosmetic tail docking of dogs tails". 18 May 2004. Retrieved 2013-02-23.
  29. "Rappel législatif sur la coupe d'oreilles".
  30. "犬の断尾".
  31. "Code of Welfare (Dogs) 2010". Biosecurity New Zealand.
  32. "O’NEILL ANNOUNCES BAN ON TAIL DOCKING OF DOGS". 15 October 2012. There will however, be exemptions from the ban for certain types of working dog and where docking is performed as part of medical treatment or in an emergency to save the dogs’ life.
  33. Slovene Animal Protection Act (Slovene)
  34. "Hayvanları Koruma Kanunu".
  35. "New call to action for amended NY state crop/dock bill". American Kennel Club. 9 June 2006. Retrieved 2007-12-31.

EFRA - A.D.A. submission

External links

Wikimedia Commons has media related to Dog tail docking.

Scientific research

Pro-docking organizations

Anti-docking organizations

This article is issued from Wikipedia - version of the Wednesday, April 27, 2016. The text is available under the Creative Commons Attribution/Share Alike but additional terms may apply for the media files.