Doina Ruști

Doina Ruşti (born 15 February ) is a Romanian writer. Some of her novels are: Fantoma din moară (The Ghost of the Mill), 2008, an ample novel about the Romanian communism, awarded the Prize por Proze of the Romanian Writers’Union, Zogru’’’, 2006, republished in Top 10+Collection, 2013, Lizoanca la 11 ani (Lizoanca at the age eleven), 2009, awarded The Ion Creanga Prize of the Romanian Academy. Her publisher is Polirom. The her latest novel is Manuscrisul fanariot (The Phanariot Manuscript), 2015.[1]
Public lectures
Budapesta, Viena, Plovdiv, Torino, Frankfurt, Leipzig, Moscova, Roma, Granada, Berlin, Düsseldorf.[2]
- Manuscrisul fanariot, (The Phanariot Manuscript) Polirom, 2015
- Zogru, ed a II-a, Polirom, Top 10+, 2013
- Mămica la două albăstrele (The Story of an Adulterer), Ed Polirom, 2013
- Patru bărbaţi plus Aurelius (Four men plus Aurelius), Ed. Polirom, 2011
- Cămaşa în carouri și alte 10 întâmplări din București (The checkered shirt and 10 other episodes from Bucharest), a narrative puzzle, Ed. Polirom, 2010
- Lizoanca la 11 ani (Lizoanca at the Age of Eleven), Ed. Trei, 2009
- Fantoma din moară (The Ghost in the Mill), Ed. Polirom, 2008.
- Zogru, Ed. Polirom, Iaşi, 2006, ed a II/a, 2013
- Omuleţul roşu(The Little Red Man), Ed. Vremea, Bucharest, 2004.
Translated work
- Lizoanca (trad. Szenkovics Enikő), Orpheusz, Budapesta, 2015
- Lizoanca (trans. Enrique Nogueras), Ediciones Traspiés, Granada, 2014
- Z o g r u (trad. Szenkovics Enikő), Sétatér Kulturális Egyesület, 2014.
- Lisoanca, Rediviva Ed., Milano, 2013
- Lizoanca (trans Jan Cornelius), Horlemann Verlag, Berlin, 2013 [10]
- L'omino rosso, Nikita Editore, Firenze, 2012[11]
- Bill Cinton's Hand, in Bucharest Tales, New Europe Writers, 2011 (coord:A. Fincham, J. G Coon, John a'Beckett)[14]
- I miei ginecologi, in Compagne di viaggio, Sandro Teti Editore, 2011 (coord Radu Pavel Gheo, Dan Lungu)[12]
- Zogru (transl. Roberto Merlo), Ed. Bonanno, Roma, 2010 [13]
- The Little Red Man (transl. Roberto Merlo) in Il romanzo romeno contemporaneo (coord Nicoleta Nesu) Ed. Bagatto Libri, Roma, 2010[17]
- Cristian (trans. in fr. Linda Maria Baros), rev Le Bateau Fantôme, no. 8, 2009, Ed. Mathieu Hilfiger[14]
- Zogru (transl. Vasilka Alexova), Ed. Balkani, 2008
- Cristian - Nagyvilag (transl. Noémi László), Budapesta, Sept. 2010
- The Winner - Nagyvilag (transl. Noémi László), Budapesta, Sept. 2010 etc.[19]*
- Dicționar de simboluri din opera lui Mircea Eliade (frag.) în La Jornada Semanal, nr. 455, 456, Mexico City, 2003 (trans: José Antonio Hernández García)
Literary prizes
- The Romanian Academy's Ion Creangă Prize for the novel "Lizoanca at the Age of Eleven", 2009[3]
- The Prize of the Writers Union of Romania for the novel "The Ghost in the Mill", 2008[4]
- The Golden Medal of Schitul Darvari, for literary activity. 2008
- The Prize of the Bucharest Writers Association for the novel "Zogru", 2007[5]
- Convorbiri literare review Prize for Prose, 2006
- The Ad Visum Prize for the novel Omuleţul roşu (The Little Red Man), 2005
- ↑ "Copilăria Doinei - 14 februarie 2015". Retrieved 2016-04-14.
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- gb/romanian writer doina rusti-2184 Archived 24 February 2014 at the Wayback Machine.
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- ↑ Archived 9 November 2010 at the Wayback Machine.
Manuscrisul fanariot*articleID_31777- Manuscrisul fanariot articles_details.html
București vintage - Fundația România Literară, Luminița Corneanu, România literară - annul 2015, numărul 14 Revista Luceafărul / Numărul 7 / 2015 / O versiune poematică de roman istoric, Dan Cristea, it «Lisotta, a 11 anni», il best seller della scrittrice romena Doina Ruști in italiano, Un tovarăș de sus, Daniel Cristea Enache, la Fantoma din moară the All reviews , Omuletul rosu, Orizonturi culturale L'omino rosso, Il Citadini Lizoanca,