Download Cache
Not to be confused with web cache.
The Download Cache, or downloaded files cache, is a component of Microsoft's .NET Framework that is similar to the Global Assembly Cache except that it caches assemblies that have been downloaded from the Internet.[1]
Assemblies are downloaded from the Internet when a specific managed object is requested using the <object>
tag in a web page. For example, the following HTML will cause Internet Explorer to download MyAssembly.dll to the Download Cache and will subsequently instantiate MyControl on the page that contains it.
<object id="myControlId" classid="http://MyServer/MyVirtualFolder/MyAssembly.dll#MyNamespace.MyControl">
<param name="MyProperty" value="SomeStringValue" />
Like the GAC, the Download Cache can be accessed with gacutil.exe.[2]
One can list the contents of the Download Cache using the command:
gacutil.exe /ldl
One can delete the contents of the Download Cache using the command:
gacutil.exe /cdl
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