Drazin inverse

In mathematics, the Drazin inverse, named after Michael P. Drazin, is a kind of generalized inverse of a matrix.

Let A be a square matrix. The index of A is the least nonnegative integer k such that rank(Ak+1) = rank(Ak). The Drazin inverse of A is the unique matrix AD which satisfies

A^{k+1} A^D=A^k, \quad A^D A A^D=A^D,\quad A A^D= A^D A.

The hyper-power sequence is

A_{i+1}:=A_i+A_i\left(I- A A_i\right); for convergence notice that A_{i+j}=A_i \sum_{k=0}^{2^j-1} (I-A A_i)^k.

For A_0:=\alpha A or any regular A_0 with A_0 A= A A_0 chosen such that \|A_0-A_0 A A_0\|<\|A_0\| the sequence tends to its Drazin inverse,

A_i \rightarrow A^D.

See also


External links

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