Dryad (DC Comics)

Race(s) Dryads
Notable characters Blok
First appearance Superboy and the Legion of Super-Heroes #253 (July 1979)
Publisher DC Comics

Dryad is a fictional planet in the DC Universe. Originally referred to as Korlon, the planet first appeared in Superboy and the Legion of Super-Heroes #253 (July 1979), and was created by Gerry Conway and Joe Staton.


It was colonized by humans who later discovered a sentient race of rock-like beings, known as "Dryads", who lived there and were befriended by the colonists. L.E.G.I.O.N. member Strata hails from Dryad.

In the 30th century, the planet was facing destruction and evacuated by the Legion of Super-Heroes. Several youths from this planet including Blok mistakenly believed the Legion was the cause of their planet's destruction, and were recruited by the Dark Man, who transformed them into the League of Super-Assassins. After they were defeated, Blok joined the Legion of Super-Heroes.

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