
Fields near Lockerbie Marshy area near the remains of a Roman camp.
Castlehill The plantation behind the hilltop farm contains two circular settlement sites, presumably Iron Age. The view is from the corner of Fox Covert, at the edge of Birkshaw Forest.

Dryfesdale[1] is a civil parish of the council area of Dumfries and Galloway, Scotland. It is part of the county of Dumfriesshire.


The Church of Dryfesdale was dedicated to St Cuthbert. In 1116 it belonged to the See of Galloway.[2]

Lockerbie falls within the civil parish of Dryfesdale. Lockerbie apparently has existed since at least the days of Viking influence in this part of Scotland in the period around AD 900. The name means Lockard's Farm in Old Norse. The presence of the remains of a Roman camp a mile to the west of the town suggests its origins may be even earlier. Lockerbie first entered recorded history, as Lokardebi, in 1306.

Strong old towers were at Netherplace, Old Walls, Kirkton Mains, Myrehead, and Daltonhook.

Remains of eight camps, some square or Roman, others circular or Caledonian, occur in different places, chiefly on hilltops. Two of them, Roman and Caledonian, confront each other on hills to the NE of Bengall village.

See also


External links

Wikimedia Commons has media related to Dryfesdale.

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