Duan Quan

Duan Quan, also known as Short-Range Boxing, is a form of kung fu practiced primarily in the Hebei Province of China. It is a short-range style created specifically for combat. The founder of this art is unknown except that it evolved more than four hundred years ago.

A highly-dynamic and combat-oriented martial art, Duan Quan focuses on short and compact routines, low stances, and quick movements. Students are taught to be highly mobile, in order to keep the opponent disoriented and unable to attack. Low stances and small but quick movements are major features of this style. The arms and legs are bent slightly. They also use simple and sudden moves and the techniques are executed smartly, wasting no energy. By practicing Duan Quan, students improve their physique as well as sharpen their instincts and skills in close-range combat.

Movements are well connected and fist techniques follow in quick succession often with sudden changes. Practitioners of Duan Quan rarely jump or leap. The Duan Quan fighter moves around to avoid the opponent's attack and then moves in close to deliver multiple counter-attacks.[1]


  1. "Chinese Kung Fu Styles". Chinavoc. Retrieved 2006-10-23.

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