Duda Mendonça

José Eduardo Cavalcanti de Mendonça, known as Duda Mendonça, (Salvador, Brazil, August 10, 1944) is one of the principal advertising and political strategist specialists in Brazil. Owner of the agency Duda Propaganda, he became famous for his effective political campaigns, managing more than 55 significant national campaigns, including mayoral, senatorial, gubernatorial and presidential races in more than 20 years of experience.
His work in the 2002 presidential campaign for Luiz Inácio Lula da Silva was widely praised by professionals for its effectiveness. Duda is known as "the man who elected Lula", as it was the fourth time in a row that Lula was seeking to be elected to the highest office position in the country.
In October 2004, he was arrested at an illegal cock fighting arena in the State of Rio de Janeiro.