Dudipatsar Trail

Coordinates: 35°03′08″N 73°56′10″E / 35.052203°N 73.936100°E / 35.052203; 73.936100

Dudipatsar Trail

Final Destination: Dudipatsar (Dudipat Lake)
Length 18 km (11 mi)
Location Lulusar-Dudipatsar National Park, Khyber Pakhtunkhwa, Pakistan
Trailheads Besal
Use Hiking
Elevation gain/loss 640 metres (2,100 ft) gain approximately
Highest point Dudipat Lake ridge, 3,900 m (12,800 ft)
Lowest point Besal, 3,250 m (10,660 ft)
Hiking details
Season Summer to early Fall
Months Mid-June through late September

The Dudipatsar Trail is an approximately 18 km (11 mi) hiking trail in the Lulusar-Dudipatsar National Park of Khyber-Pakhtunkhwa, in northern Pakistan. The trail goes along a tributary of the Kunhar River called Poorbi Narr in the northern Kaghan Valley. The headwater for the particular tributary is the Dudipat Lake and the trail has a cumulative elevation gain of 640 metres (2,100 ft). The average time taken to complete the trail is 5 to 8 hours.


The trail is entirely within the national park and passes through multiple life zones of the park, from lowland forests to alpine meadows of wildflowers. As the trail climbs up to the plateau, hikers see different wildlife in the region including marmots and different species of birds.

The trail is of medium difficulty. The overall elevation gain isn't great but climbing at high altitude makes the trail more demanding. During the course of the trail, one encounters boulders, meadows, plateaus, snow (in early summer) and streams. The trail and the surrounding mountains are frequently used by cattle herders who set up summer homes in the area.

Dudipatsar Trail - General path of the trail

The main hiking season is mid-summer, which is often dry and sunny. Hikers early in the season can see snow in the ravine that runs down from the plateau. The plateau is marshy in places (waterproof boots advised). There are a number of river crossings on the trail including one buggy bridge. The same river tributary is crossed on log bridges on a couple of locations.

The trails starts at Besal, where there is a driver hotel and a police check post. Lodging is available as well as space for setting up camp. Parking of vehicles is done at one's own risk but someone can be hired to look after vehicles for a day or two.

There are three ways to hike the trail:

Guides are available at Besal for hike to Dudipatsar. Experienced hikers can wing it and go off on their own – remember to follow the water tributary as Dudipatsar is at the head.


For the two day trek option, a night stay can be done either in Mulla ki Basti (2 km short of Dudipatsar) or at Dudipat Lake. You have the option of either carrying along your camping gear or alternatively using the facilities at the makeshift hotel at Mulla ki Basti. Price for food generally runs at twice of that at Besal. (someone add lodging cost here for the makeshift hotel)

Chronology of images

Images of Dudipatsar Trail
1. Starting Location: Driver Hotel at Besal 
2. Crossing Kunhar River on Cable Bridge 
3. Fertile mountain tops along the initial climb 
4. River crossing (late June) 
5. Climbing up to the plateau 
6. View of the camp (a.k.a. hotel) near Mulla ki Basti 
7. Some people hire horses from Mulla ki Basti 
8. Grazing on the plateau 
9. Dudipath Lake 
10. A view of the trek back from the lake 
11. A view of Dudipat lake and Poorbi Narr 

See also

This article is issued from Wikipedia - version of the Monday, February 25, 2013. The text is available under the Creative Commons Attribution/Share Alike but additional terms may apply for the media files.