Duenow is a Chicago based folk/punk/rap/avantgarde duo.
The group consists of Zach and Dorothea "Dot" Duenow. Zach and Dorothea were married in 2001 and have been performing together since November 2004.
Duenow's first album "If You Could Only See What They Are Doing To You" was released independently in the latter half of 2003. Songs were recorded with Steve Albini at his studio Electrical Audio, Danny Schaffer at 4040 studios, dave hutten at Red Squared Studios, and at the home studio of Daniel Pritzker a founding member of local resident and philanthropist Sonia Dada.
Duenow's second album, "the Draft LP" was recorded live to tape at Electrical Audio. The song, "Hard Daddy" from the Draft LP, was featured in a nationwide T-Mobile television campaign in the Fall and Winter of 2012-2013. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ypLgUMZq-Cg
They continue to write and publish the noise they create in their studio after their two children go to sleep. They have no definite plans for future performances.
Influence on Popular Culture
Duenow were early influencers of the steampunk movement or genre. Former websites, album art, costumes and photos from live performances, reveal their circus and steampunk aesthetic. Listening to their album, The Draft LP, steampunk/post-apocalyptic themes are obvious from the opening track.