Duke of Guarda

The title of Duke of Guarda (in Portuguese, Duque da Guarda) was granted by a royal decree dated from October 5, 1530, by King John III to his younger brother, Infante Ferdinand.
Some authors say the Infante was also made Duke of Trancoso (in Portuguese, Duque de Trancoso) in the same date (according to Arquivo do Conselho Nobiliárquico de Portugal, Vol I, 78).
However, the majority of historians defend that the Dukedom of Trancoso did not exist, and the confusion comes from the fact that Infante Ferdinand (Fernando, in Portuguese) was also Lord of Trancoso.
Finally, others say he was Duke of Guarda and Trancoso (a jointly Dukedom).
One thing is for sure: Infante Ferdinand was the sole to bear the title of Duke of Guarda.
According to his father's (King Manuel I) will, Infant Ferdinand should marry the rich and prestiged heir Dona Guiomar Coutinho, 5th Countess of Marialva and 3rd Countess of Loulé.
But when the Infante marriage was announced, the 1st Marquis of Torres Novas (who later became the 1st Duke of Aveiro) declared he had secretly married the richest heir. The scandal in the Court ended when King John III ordered the Marquis imprisonment for several years, allowing the celebration of the Infante Ferdinand's marriage.
In spite of their short but happy marriage, they had two children (a boy and a girl), who died in very young age, before their parents.
List of the Dukes of Guarda
- Infante Fernando, Duke of Guarda (1507–1534), King Manuel I's third son from his second marriage.
See also
External links
”Nobreza de Portugal e do Brasil” – Vol. I, page 385. Published by Zairol Lda., Lisbon 1989.