European Federation of Radio Operated Model Automobiles

"EFRA" redirects here. For the airfield with that ICAO code, see Rautavaara Airfield.
European Federation of Radio Operated Model Automobiles
Category Radio-controlled racing
Jurisdiction Europe
Founded 1973
Affiliation IFMAR
Headquarters Sweden
President Erhard "Dallas" Mathiesen
Official website

The European Federation of Radio Operated Model Automobiles (EFRA) is the governing body of radio-controlled car racing in Europe.


Setup in 1973, EFRA’s original members were France, Germany, Great Britain, the Netherlands, Italy and Switzerland. The idea of organisation was to regulate radio-controlled car racing though Europe. Although each member country would retain their own governing body, EFRA would try and make homogenous rules which form the basis of most the rules in each member country, and also for European championship racing.

EFRA was chosen as it could be adapted by a large number of each member counties languages. In English, for the British membership, European Federation Of Radio Operated Model Automobiles is what is used to define EFRA.


EFRA now has 32 member countries and represents Europe in IFMAR (International Federation of Model Auto Racing). Just as EFRA represent European countries, IFMAR represents these larger groups such as EFRA.

EFRA provides list of approved components such as engines and tuned pipes for use in model cars. It also governs racing of the European Championships for radio controlled car racing, which caters for most classes of models.


French Team at Rheims.
Spanish Team at Rheims.
Deutsh Team at Rheims.

Member country, followed by the governing body is that country where known or applicable.

Nation Organisation Abbreviation Native spelling Foundation
 Austria OFMAV Österreichische Funkmodellautoverband
 Belarus Belarus Federation Automodel Sport BelFAMS Белорусская федерация автомодельного спорта
 Belgium FBA Federatie Belgische Automodelsport
 Bulgaria Bulgarian Federation of Automodel Sports BFAMS Българска федерация по автомоделни спортове
 Croatia HAMS Hrvatski Automodelarski Savez
 Czech Republic RC Autoclub of Czech Republic RCACR RC Autoklub České republiky
 Denmark Danish Automobile Sports Union DASU Dansk Automobil Sports Union
 Estonia EAMK Eesti Automudelispordi Klubi
 Finland AKK-Motorsport
 France Federation Française de Voitures Radio Commandees FFVRC 1975
 Germany Deutscher Minicar Club DMC 1971
 United Kingdom British Radio Car Association BRCA 1971
 Greece Hellenic Modeling Federation ELME Ελληνική Μοντελιστική Ένωση
 Hungary Hungarian Association of Modellers MMSZ Magyar Modellező Szövetség
 Ireland Radio Controlled Car Association of Ireland RCCAOI
 Italy Auto Model Sport Club Italiano AMSCI
 Luxembourg Fédération Luxembourgeoise d'AutoModélisme Radio-Commandé FLAMRC
 Monaco FMM Federation Monegasque de Modelisme
 Netherlands NOMAC Nederlandse Organsatie Model Auto Clubs
 Norway Norwegian Motorsport Federation NMF Norges Motorsportforbund
 Poland LOK Stowarzyszenie BZG LOK
 Portugal FEPRA Federação Portuguesa de Rádio Modelismo Automóvel
 Romania FRMd Federația Română de Modelism
 Russia Federation of Automodel Sport of Russia FAMS Федерация автомодельно го спорта России
 Slovakia Association of Slovakien Modelers ZMOS Zväz modelárov Slovenska
 Slovenia Federation of Model Car Clubs of Slovenia ZAMS Zveza avtomodelarskih društev Slovenije
 Spain AECAR Asociación Española de Coches A Radiocontrol
 Sweden Svenska Bilsportförbundet SBF
  Switzerland Swiss R/C Car Clubs Association SRCCA 1976
 Turkey Model Car Sport Association Turkey MCSAT Model Araba Sporları Derneği

External links

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