Environmental Forum for Action

The Environmental Forum for Action (ENFORAC) is a coalition of 16 environmental non-governmental organisations, community groups and academic institutions that have come together as a united voice to protect and advocate for Sierra Leone’s natural resources.

Formed in 2004, it was not officially launched until April 2006.

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Between 2009-2014 The Environmental Forum for Action was Implementing Partner in the EU funded project: "Conserving the Western Area Peninsula Forest and its Watersheds"-WAPFOR. German-Agro Action, later known as Welthungerhilfe was project holder. The action resulted in the declaration of the Western Area Peninsula Forest Reserve as a National Park and tentative scoping steps towards qualification of The Western Area National Park as a candidate for REDD+ carbon credit and UNESCO World Heritage Site declaration. 55,000 indigenous forest fringe residents were educated about forest benefits and provided facilities and equipment to provide incentive for alternative livelihoods for forest destruction activities such as logging, charcoal production and hunting.

Carried through in partnership with the Government of Sierra Leone Forestry Division, the previous forest was re-demarcated with GIS from 17,000 hectares to 18,000 hectares.

A National Protected Area Authority is assuming the mantle of responsibility for this National Park and others in Sierra Leone.

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